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In the process of selling software, you are actually helping them make money. And since they can make more money from pirating it, they’re often more than happy to provide the software for free.

When you purchase a legitimate copy of software, the company is actually paying to get it to you. The only way they can afford that is by charging you for it. In return, the company wants you to use their software for an extended period of time, even pay for your extended subscription.

Software piracy is the act of people who download copyrighted software without the permission of the original software’s authors. Usually, software is cracked by software pirates to show their support and appreciation for the developers who developed the software. Sometimes, they also release some of their own patches for the software to further improve the work the developer has done.

Finally, when you pirate software, you are not only being a “cheap” thief but you’re also hurting the industry you are pirating. For example, iTunes is a great app for almost any smart phone so you are stealing a great app from iTunes. Also, if you get infected with malware because of pirating an app, you are costing the producers of those apps thousands of dollars of potential revenue. And that’s not including the damage to your credit rating!

So, before you start downloading cracked apps from the Internet, you need to be sure you know what you’re getting into. First of all, if you have any suspicions that the website you’re visiting is to become infected with malware, run the site in your browser’s download bar. It will tell you if it has been scanned and if it is infected with malware. This way, you can avoid using a site where it may have a virus and spread it.


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