
Monopoly Money

They cry, “Without this bill the government will have to shut down.” I say, “Good. We won’t even miss you.”

If there is anyone out there who doubts what the swamp is, please read the latest budget passed with overwhelming support by both houses. It is over 5,500 pages long. None of your representatives have had time to read it all. But they voted for it!

This is the famous omnibus package that Congress must pass each year because for over 15 years now, CONGRESS HAS BEEN UNABLE TO PASS A LEGITIMATE BUDGET ACCORDING TO CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES. The constitution calls for a budget that funds the federal government to be passed by both houses and signed by the president each year. Granted there are some vague aspects here, lots of amendments and provisions. Then again, our founding fathers did not anticipate an infinite deficient or endless debt. They could not conceive of “monopoly money”. Somehow Congress has neglected this duty for over 15 years, instead, opting for monster sized, last minute appropriations bills that have little to do with funding the government and much more to do with their pet projects, special interests, and well titled bribes to foreign countries in hopes of purchasing peace. Why they cannot pass smaller packages, focused on distinct needs is anyone’s guess. Why a line item veto has never been accepted speaks to the collusion within the Houses. Congress invented “bundle marketing” long ago to provide maximum confusion and maximum trade offs. In order for any individual representative to receive his goods, he must pass the package as a whole.

April’s covid bill lined the pockets of institutions that have nothing to do with the pandemic. I refer to that beauty as the straw that broke the camel’s back. We were full fledged socialists as soon as it was signed by the president. This week we sink another notch into the depravity of financial ruin and centralized authoritarianism. But we all get $600.00. Or maybe $2,000.00. Monopoly money.

However, the bill has not been signed by the president. Yet.

Nancy Pelosi has played politics with this, the “Covid Relief” bill since the summer. Anything to hurt Trump. Delay, delay… she’s even admitted it. While the people who actually need some relief – from the various monarchs ruling the states – are suffering, Democrats and Republicans alike have been padding their donors with miscellaneous donations, tucked within the 5500 pages. This people IS the DEEP STATE in action.

They cry, “Without this bill the government will have to shut down.” I say, “Good. We won’t even miss you.”

Instead of targeting the vaccine at the elderly, we inject federal inmates first. Instead of helping the millions of people locked down and out of work, we’re writing checks to every country in the world for reasons I would never attempt to explain. You can look up the list yourself.

So called “essential” workers don’t need a $2,000.00 gift. Well, we all need more money, but there sure are a lot of folks who need it more than others. I thought the government knew how to redistribute wealth. It’s all they talk about! And here, for once, I agree that my tax dollars would be well spent to help save the infrastructure small businesses provide; so my representatives mail out poultry checks to everyone, and send billions more abroad.

This is a slap in our collective faces and if we don’t add it to the list of reason to revolt, we are asking to become totally enslaved by a political system that recognizes no boundaries, cannot do simple arithmetic, and believes we serfs to be completely brain dead.

If you don’t believe we have been had, AGAIN, just pull the cage door closed and pretend you are a zoo animal.

Nancy Pelosi should be tried for treason. There are a host of others who should be brought to justice also, but in a land without laws – power, influence, and leverage are all that matter. We have sunk so low.

The biggest stories in decades are unfolding before our eyes (Middle East Peace, vaccine in 9 months, stolen election, Chicoms subverting America, Hong Cong and Taiwan being invaded) and the media is counting Chinese flu victims from their tunnel that is masterfully maintained by social media. Our loyal correspondents are playing dominoes in the middle of a riot! And more news: the only sensible thing Joe Biden has said in 20 years is true, “Things are about to get far worse.” Thanks Joe!

The unspoken story, the one even we conspiracy kooks aren’t talking about – is the fact that anyone involved in investigating the likelihood that our election was tampered with – has been threatened and intimidated. Law firms have resigned. Cases have been dropped. Judges have found every technical excuse NOT TO HEAR the evidence. Witnesses are seeking protection, moving from their homes! No one is interested in truth, only “How can I save my own ass?” Death threats will do that to people.

Meanwhile, identity politics is ripping this country to pieces. The communist strategy of divide and conquer is in full swing. No longer do qualifications equate to positions of responsibility; it only matters what your ancestry is. Animal Farm is real. America is fractured and only a heaping dose of common sense can begin to bring it back. It is time to hit the streets. It is time to be rational. It is time to stand up.

It is worth noting that communism will squash identity politics once the classes have been assigned and the population submits. The iron fist will not tolerate dissension. Yet as communism inevitably fails (after decades that culminate in starvation), the fractures will reappear and tribalism will inevitably rule.

A quote from American Thinker:

“In the Yugoslav Republic (a satellite of USSR) it took the direct intervention of NATO to restore a semblance of order. Ultimately, seven separate nations evolved out of the carcass of the former Yugoslav Republic, most of which remain hostile to one another.

In the former Soviet Union, the situation played out on a far larger scale, with fifteen nations emerging from the Soviet collapse. Sporadic fighting, sometimes quite heavy, continues in the Southern border regions to this day, resulting in widespread death and destruction.”

Below are two excellent interviews:

By Tommy Pain

Concerned citizen, patriot, over 40 years in the study of history from Gilgamesh to Justin Timberlake.

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