FSX – Carenado Mooney Hack Working
FSX – Carenado Mooney Hack Working
i am also having the same problem. when i am using the carenado 172. the controls will not work. when i am using the default carenado 172 the controls will not work. i have tried both the standard and sr22 models of the carenado 172.
i have been playing with fsx and fs2004 for years and have never come across this problem. i tried the carenado and the default mooney. both will not work with the g1000 and the same trackir. i am using the x64 version of msfs. i have also tried with other airplanes. when i am using the carenado, the controls will not work. when i am using the default mooney the controls will not work. i am not using the sr22. the problem is not related to the airplane or the trackir. the problem is related to the x-plane version. i am running x-plane 10.42. when i am using the x64 version of msfs and i use the g1000, the controls will not work. i am running msfs2020. the g1000 and trackir are both working and i can use the g1000 as an actual g1000. the controls will not work when i am using the x64 version of msfs and i use the g1000.
this is so simple it should be an option. it’s a great hack and a great example of excellent aeronautical research. it’s just a shame it’s not available as an option. i have no idea why it’s not. the default carenado planer is superb. i’ve used it for years. it’s all the other bells and whistles that have been added to the interface that i’ve never really liked. if there’s anyone at carenado that reads this, i’d like to hear your reasons for the omission.thanks for this.
i would love this add-on for the carenado ovation. i have no idea why you would exclude it. i thought it was just a straight up aircraft? it’s a nice add-on for all the other planes. why isn’t it offered as an option. please let me know your thoughts.
the current solution is the panel hack. you have to delete the panel.cfg file and load a custom panel.xml file. it is fairly simple. it was originally designed for the pc series though it can be adapted for the ipad. it is simply a list of the panel buttons and settings, and it can be written by hand. the 2012 release of fsx eliminates panel.cfg completely in favor of a panel. however, the panel.xml file requires an additional panel.cfg file. carenado does not provide one, however, and has not released a panel.xml file for their aircraft. carenado-designed aircraft work and are supported in the 2006 release of fsx though panel.xml files are not used. since fsx acceleration is installed you will not have a problem installing the panel hack and configuring the panel with the panel. guess what, the panel configuration works fine on version 2.5.0 of carenado’s c172. the problem is that the same is not true for carenado’s c172n. if you already have carenado’s c172 set up and you’re having the same problem as i am, then first of all, is your panel.cfg in an airplane. just a note: the mooney i/o panel have a unique feature to be able to select the specific electrical wire to light up. if you have more than one, such as navigation, instrument and others, and you have panel.cfg, you might be able to get more than one instrument to light up with this hack. it might be a chance to test this feature and see if you can get more instruments to light up. its not as easy to do, and theres a chance of getting your plane grounded. the panel is encrypted, so you need a.cfg file such as the one i linked to. 5ec8ef588b