
Sorokin Social And Cultural Mobility Pdf Download |VERIFIED|

Sorokin Social And Cultural Mobility Pdf Download |VERIFIED|


Sorokin Social And Cultural Mobility Pdf Download

note that our estimates of intergenerational mobility have their natural units in terms of parent and offspring status. while origin and destination effects are measured in binary form, intergenerational mobility is a continuous variable ranging from 0 to 1. as such, the coefficients estimated in the conventional approach may be conceptualized as the equivalent of a quadratic term in the conventional linear regression framework (see also blau 1956 ).

as the first wave of the european social survey is still limited to those countries that joined the esse in 2004 (as opposed to esomar that surveys between 2000 and 2006), we report net mobility effects in the latter country groups. to assess whether statistical power is sufficient to detect net effects, we first estimated the conventional linear regression models, including the control variables and the squared term of mobility. subsequently, we used a bootstrapping procedure (efron & tibshirani 1993 ) to estimate the 95% confidence intervals around the coefficients of interest (see also ford, frank, & skrondal 2004 ). the results, reported in the first column of table 2, suggest that, in all country groups, there is no sign of net mobility effects. regarding differences in mobility effects, the results do not provide conclusive evidence for status loss effects. some countries (e.g., the baltic states and continental europe) do show positive mobility effects, while others (e., anglo-saxon countries, the nordic countries, and southern europe) show negative mobility effects. in our view, this speaks for an overall positive effect of intergenerational mobility on young adults well-being across most of europe.

as the reported findings point towards a positive net mobility effect, we next examine whether this positive effect is structural or statistical. to this end, we added a two-way interaction term between mobility and parental attainment/own attainment to the conventional linear regression models. note that this step does not imply a formal test of the moderating influence of intergenerational mobility on the status loss effect. rather, it serves to compare the magnitude of the intergenerational mobility effect in those countries where the status loss effect is found to be the most pronounced (i.e., the baltic states and continental europe) with those where it is less pronounced (i., the nordic countries, southern europe, and the anglo-saxon countries). the results, presented in the second column of table 2, confirm a positive net mobility effect in all country groups. in addition, the estimates suggest that the positive mobility effect is more pronounced in those countries where parental status loss is more prevalent (i., in the baltic states and continental europe). thus, the status loss effect is found to be more pronounced in those countries where mobility is found to be most common. to properly address these issues, our main aim is to assess the country variation in the relative importance of origin, destination, and intergenerational mobility in predicting young adults swb. to disentangle the effects of own and parental education, we also explore to what extent a model with these variables predicts well-being, controlling for one another. to further test sorokins conjecture that psychological mobility effects occur mostly in societies where status maintenance is important for peoples identity, we also explore whether national culture and family tradition, as proxies for status maintenance, are related to intergenerational mobility effects. moreover, since prior studies have suggested that the well-being effects of mobility are to some extent moderated by additional factors, such as personal achievement motivation and selection effects, we also investigate how additional personal and familial covariates such as income, parental education, age, and gender may affect the effects of mobility. our results may help to inform future mobility policies in european and other societies. 5ec8ef588b

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