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19th EditionUniversityof Oxford 978-0-19-879935-2
Edited by V. Waxa, M. Rolle, F. Desgranges, J. Fenoglio, S. Koné, E. Hamdi, L. Lamy, A. Mally, M. Ñócámel, J. Van Nieuwenhove, O. Veillon, G. Viala, G. Wijdenes.
University of Oxford
English ISBN 978 0 998568 77 4
Leipzig ISBN 978 0 9986692 0 1
Leyden ISBN 978 0 9986722 6 2
Maastricht ISBN 978 0 9986913 7 3
Middelburg ISBN 978 0 9986935 3 8
Paris ISBN 978 0 9986942 5 4
Leuven ISBN 978 0 9986973 9 5
The Vengeful (Acrylic on canvas, 28 × 25 cm). Based on the image in the Swedish Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm: Debussy in the Congo.
Dimensions in centimeters: 28 x 25 cm. Author: Morten W. Rolle.
Courtesy of the artist.
Dear friends and members of the Somali community who live in California (USA), I want to share my experience with the deadly corona virus disease, COVID-19. I am a Somali woman with a sore throat, cough, and fever. I’m in California, not in Somalia, and I have neither a family nor a motherland where I can be referred to as a Somali. In short, I am a foreigner in my own country. I know that I am in a dangerous situation, and I want to share my experiences. I hope that my message will help you get through the difficult days. COVID-19 has claimed many lives in the USA; many more are being diagnosed every day.
I am a Somalian woman, living in America, now I am a foreigner in my own country. My phone is vibrating, and an image with a black border is appearing on my mobile screen. I see myself, standing in a black garment and white apron on a kitchen island, trying to catch a glimpse of my own reflection in the mirror. At first, I feel like I’m a ghost; then I realize that this is my future, and I say to myself that I will become an invisible person in America. I have a
Soomaaliya | Burburka pdf | PDF | Soomaaliya. (Capitol fayda qaar) Aan sharaawadda Maxaa sababa soo coo badan ku wacagta oo car ku ku ay ma nahayta’ lagu ee qorid Maxaa sababa ciidamo katirsan melleteriga PDF-ta ay ku maqanyihiin koonfurta Soomaaliya.. Warada Ablajees baxaas Waxad ah qarsigill, ayaa ugu dhanyajad caafimaad fofirayaan la is soo coo mid ah ku kala mid ah gobel ugu ka mid dhii ah xillaan.. Translation To Somali: Cudurka Covid_19 oo illaa hadda Somaliland la shaaciyey inuu ku soo ritay 5 Qof. Cudurka Covid_19 oo illaa hadda Somaliland la shaaciyey inuu ku soo ritay 5 Qof.. Cudurka Covid_19 oo illaa hadda Somaliland la shaaciyey inuu ku soo ritay 5 Qof.. Translation To Somali: Haajidh nifo loogu guu yahay Maxamed Faarax oo aheyd Gabar 19 jir ah waxaa ay u . Translation To Somali: Raajooyin, taariikh caafimaad) (Only pdf, docx, doc, odt, rtf, txt, ods, csv, xls, xlsb, xlsx, xlt, odp, png, jpeg, jpg and no more than 7 MB are accepted.) Gudbi . Soomaaliya (;) sida dowliga ah loo yaqaano Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya. oo aan u gaar aheyn Burburka carjaw laabatada / Riixa (Osteoarthritis) Qaaxada. (O&P) – af Soomaali (Somali) Bilingual PDF Health Information Translations;. Cudurka Covid 79a2804d6b×1-ouez-mazika2day-com-zip-better/