
Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven [PC] [3CD] Game Hack Password __HOT__

Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven [PC] [3CD] Game Hack Password __HOT__


Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven [PC] [3CD] Game Hack Password

Sleep City is a great place to do this. There are many cops with shotguns or pistols near the entrance. Just shoot them and quickly run down the stairs before the cops start shooting. Repeat this until the message “You are dead” appears. You will respawn in a nearby safehouse. It is important to note that Sleep City is a very difficult level for the player. There are not many ammo pickups and a very large number of police. It is not recommended you attempt this trophy until you are quite far into Sleep City. Once the counter reaches “60”, the trophy will unlock.

Once you have completed the first chapter of the first story mission (The Home Fires Burn) with the storyline ending promptly after, fill up with ammo. All the “Head Bang” trophies that you can get in this Mafia chapter are refilled completely for free. Do not reload to a checkpoint or the trophy will not unlock.

The Home Fires Burn mission is the ideal multiplayer mission for this. There are not many players to fight. The first room has a few enemies with shotguns and a few people with machine guns. They should not be difficult to kill. Run out of room and hide behind walls and they will appear at the walls. When they do, they will not see you. You must have a low-damage weapon to do this. Reload somewhere else in the level to get another shot at them. When they next appear, repeat the same process. This works for all the enemies except the first boss. If he is not killed quickly, he will summon a couple allies and become almost impossible to kill. Fight through this using the same method. When he explodes, run to a safehouse and repair. Some people claim you can avoid this by firebombing after you kill the boss, but this is not true (at least not with patched versions of the game). Do not feel bad if you fail. There are not a lot of players in this mission. This works best with a low-damage automatic weapon and tends to fail with a pistol. The flashbangs only work when you damage the boss, so you must use them first.


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