
Pokemon Go Bot [UPD] Download 🖤

Pokemon Go Bot Download: What You Need to Know

Pokemon Go is one of the most popular mobile games in the world, with millions of players catching, battling, and trading Pokemon in the real world. However, not everyone has the time, energy, or mobility to walk around and explore their surroundings while playing the game. That’s why some players resort to using a Pokemon Go Bot, a software program that automates the game for them.

But what exactly is a Pokemon Go Bot, how does it work, and what are the pros and cons of using one? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, as well as guide you on how to download and use a Pokemon Go Bot safely and effectively. We will also discuss some alternatives to using a bot that can enhance your Pokemon Go experience without compromising your account or ethics.

What is a Pokemon Go Bot?

A Pokemon Go Bot is an application that works as a fake Pokemon trainer in order to level up your account without putting in any effort. A bot can perform various tasks within the game, such as:

  • Walking to PokeStops and Pokemons around the area (you can set the walking speed as you like)
  • Collecting PokeStops loot and catching all the Pokemon
  • Adjusting your backpack item count to keep only enough items of each (for example, no more than 30 pokeballs needed)
  • Evolving and transferring Pokemon based on pre-configured rules
  • Deploying a Pokemon in Gym if there are slots available
  • Participating in raids, research tasks, and other events

How does a Pokemon Go Bot work?

A Pokemon Go Bot works by mimicking the actions of a real player using a fake GPS location and device information. The bot communicates with the game server using an unofficial API (application programming interface) that allows it to send and receive data. The bot uses this data to determine where to go, what to do, and how to do it.

What are the benefits of using a Pokemon Go Bot?

Using a Pokemon Go Bot can have some advantages for players who want to progress in the game more quickly or have limited mobility. Some of these benefits are:

  • You can save time and energy by letting the bot play for you while you do something else
  • You can access more locations and catch more rare and diverse Pokemon than you normally could
  • You can level up your account faster and unlock more features and rewards
  • You can collect more items, candies, stardust, coins, and other resources
  • You can complete more challenges and achievements

What are the risks of using a Pokemon Go Bot?

Using a Pokemon Go Bot also comes with some risks that you should be aware of before downloading one. Some of these risks are:

  • You can get banned from the game permanently if Niantic detects that you are using a bot. Niantic has implemented various anti-cheat measures to identify and punish bot users, such as captcha challenges, shadow bans, warning messages, account suspensions, and account terminations.
  • You can compromise your personal information and security if you download a malicious or fake bot. Some bots may contain viruses, spyware, ransomware, or other malware that can harm your device or steal your data. Some bots may also require you to enter your Pokemon Go credentials or Google email credentials, which can expose your account to hackers or scammers.
  • You can ruin the fun and fairness of the game for yourself and others if you use a bot. Using a bot can make the game boring and meaningless, as you are not actually playing or experiencing it. Using a bot can also give you an unfair advantage over other players who play legitimately, especially in competitive aspects such as gyms and raids.

How to download and use a Pokemon Go Bot?

If you still want to download and use a Pokemon Go Bot despite the risks, you should follow some steps to ensure that you do it safely and effectively. Here are some of the steps that you should take:

What are the best sources for Pokemon Go Bot download?

There are many websites and forums that offer Pokemon Go Bot downloads, but not all of them are trustworthy or reliable. You should do some research and check the reviews and ratings of the bot before downloading it. You should also avoid downloading bots from unknown or suspicious sources, as they may contain malware or scams. Some of the best sources for Pokemon Go Bot download are:

  • PokeBot.Ninja: This is one of the most popular and advanced Pokemon Go Bots, with features such as auto walk, auto catch, auto evolve, auto transfer, auto hatch, auto recycle, auto snipe, auto raid, auto quest, and more. It also has a user-friendly interface and a low ban rate.
  • NecroBot: This is another well-known and powerful Pokemon Go Bot, with features such as auto walk, auto catch, auto evolve, auto transfer, auto incubate, auto recycle, auto snipe, auto gym, auto raid, auto quest, and more. It also has a customizable configuration and a high performance.
  • MyGoBot: This is a simple and easy-to-use Pokemon Go Bot, with features such as auto walk, auto catch, auto evolve, auto transfer, auto incubate, auto recycle, and more. It also has a friendly support team and a low price.

How to install and configure a Pokemon Go Bot?

After downloading a Pokemon Go Bot from a reputable source, you need to install and configure it on your device. The installation and configuration process may vary depending on the bot you choose, but generally you need to follow these steps:

  1. Extract the downloaded file to a folder on your device
  2. Open the folder and run the executable file (usually named as the bot name)
  3. Enter your Pokemon Go account credentials (email and password) or Google email credentials (if required by the bot)
  4. Choose your preferred settings for the bot (such as walking speed, catch rate, evolve criteria, transfer criteria, etc.)
  5. Save your settings and start the bot

How to run and monitor a Pokemon Go Bot?

Once you have installed and configured your Pokemon Go Bot, you can run it and let it play the game for you. However, you should also monitor it regularly to make sure that it is working properly and not causing any problems. Here are some tips on how to run and monitor your Pokemon Go Bot:

  • Do not run the bot for too long or too often, as this may raise suspicion from Niantic and increase your chances of getting banned. You should limit your bot usage to a few hours per day or less.
  • Do not use the bot in locations that are far away from your actual location, as this may trigger Niantic’s anti-spoofing system and result in a soft ban or a hard ban. You should use the bot in locations that are within your region or country.
  • Do not use the bot in areas that are crowded with other players or have high activity levels, as this may attract unwanted attention from other players or Niantic. You should use the bot in areas that are quiet or have low activity levels.
  • Do not use the bot in conjunction with other third-party apps or devices that may interfere with the game or violate its terms of service. You should use the bot alone or with official or approved companion devices.
  • Check your bot’s log or console regularly to see what it is doing and if it is encountering any errors or issues. You should also check your game account periodically to see your progress and status.

What are the alternatives to using a Pokemon Go Bot?

If you are looking for ways to enhance your Pokemon Go experience without using a bot or risking your account or security, there are some alternatives that you can try. Some of these alternatives are:

What are the official and unofficial companion devices for Pokemon Go?

There are some devices that can help you play Pokemon Go more conveniently and efficiently without breaking the game rules or cheating. Some of these devices are:

  • Pokemon Go Plus: This is an official device that connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and allows you to catch Pokemon and collect PokeStops with the press of a button. It also vibrates and flashes when a Pokemon or a PokeStop is nearby.
  • Pokemon Go-tcha: This is an unofficial device that works similarly to the Pokemon Go Plus, but with some added features. It can automatically catch Pokemon and collect PokeStops without pressing any button, as well as customize the catch and collect settings. It also has a touch screen and a rechargeable battery.
  • Pokemon Go-tcha Evolve: This is an upgraded version of the Pokemon Go-tcha, with a larger and colorful screen, a pedometer, a clock, and more customization options. It can also automatically catch Pokemon and collect PokeStops, as well as track your steps and time.

What are the ethical and fun ways to play Pokemon Go without a bot?

There are also some ways to play Pokemon Go without a bot that can make the game more enjoyable and rewarding for you and others. Some of these ways are:

  • Join a local or online community of Pokemon Go players who share your interests and goals. You can chat, trade, battle, raid, and explore with them, as well as learn from their tips and experiences.
  • Participate in special events and activities that Niantic organizes regularly, such as Community Days, Spotlight Hours, Festivals, Seasons, and more. You can catch exclusive or rare Pokemon, earn extra bonuses, and have fun with other players.
  • Challenge yourself with personal or group goals that test your skills and knowledge, such as completing your Pokedex, collecting all the medals, mastering all the types, or beating all the leaders.
  • Experiment with different strategies and combinations that suit your play style and preferences, such as using different teams, movesets, items, or modes.
  • Have fun with the AR (augmented reality) features that allow you to see and interact with Pokemon in the real world. You can take photos, videos, or snapshots of your Pokemon in various locations and situations.


Pokemon Go is a game that can be played in many different ways, depending on your goals and preferences. However, using a bot is not one of them, as it can ruin the game for you and others, as well as put your account and security at risk. If you want to download and use a Pokemon Go Bot, you should do it at your own discretion and responsibility, following the steps and tips we have provided in this article. However, we recommend that you try some of the alternatives we have suggested instead, as they can enhance your Pokemon Go experience without compromising your account or ethics.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Pokemon Go Bot download:

Q: Is using a Pokemon Go Bot illegal?

A: Using a Pokemon Go Bot is not illegal in most countries, but it is against the terms of service of the game. This means that Niantic has the right to ban or terminate your account if they find out that you are using a bot.

Q: How can I avoid getting banned by using a Pokemon Go Bot?

A: There is no guarantee that you can avoid getting banned by using a Pokemon Go Bot, as Niantic has various ways to detect and punish bot users. However, you can reduce your chances of getting banned by following some precautions, such as limiting your bot usage time and frequency, using realistic settings for your bot actions, avoiding spoofing your location too far or too often, avoiding using other third-party apps or devices that may interfere with the game or violate its terms of service, and checking your bot’s log or console regularly for any errors or issues.

Q: How can I update my Pokemon Go Bot to the latest version of the game?

A: You can update your Pokemon Go Bot to the latest version of the game by downloading the latest version of the bot from the source you got it from, and replacing the old files with the new ones. You may also need to update your bot settings or configuration if there are any changes or new features in the new version.

Q: How can I uninstall or remove my Pokemon Go Bot from my device?

A: You can uninstall or remove your Pokemon Go Bot from your device by deleting the folder that contains the bot files, and clearing any cache or data that the bot may have stored on your device. You may also need to revoke any permissions or access that the bot may have requested from your device or account.

Q: How can I contact the developer or support team of my Pokemon Go Bot?

A: You can contact the developer or support team of your Pokemon Go Bot by visiting their website or forum, and sending them an email, a message, or a comment. You can also check their FAQ section or documentation for any common questions or issues that you may have.


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