
Download Java Facebook Lite ((EXCLUSIVE))

Download Java Facebook Lite: A Guide for Beginners

If you are a Java developer who wants to integrate your application with Facebook, you might be overwhelmed by the complexity and size of the official Facebook SDK for Java. Fortunately, there is a simpler and lighter alternative that you can use: Java Facebook Lite. In this article, you will learn what Java Facebook Lite is, how to download and install it, and how to use it in your application.

What is Java Facebook Lite?

Java Facebook Lite is a lightweight JavaScript SDK for the Facebook API. It was created by Craig Schwarzwald, a software engineer and blogger who wanted to make a Facebook app with Java. He found the official SDK too heavy and cumbersome, so he decided to create his own version that only contains the essential features and functions. He shared his code on GitHub, where you can download it for free.

A lightweight version of the Facebook SDK for Java

Java Facebook Lite is a single jar file that weighs less than 100 KB. It contains only one class, called FacebookClient, that provides methods for making API calls to Facebook. It does not depend on any external libraries or frameworks, so you can use it with any Java project. It also supports both synchronous and asynchronous calls, so you can choose the mode that suits your needs.

The benefits of using Java Facebook Lite

There are several benefits of using Java Facebook Lite instead of the official SDK. Some of them are:

  • It is easy to download and install. You just need to download one zip file and extract it to your project directory.
  • It is easy to use. You just need to create a FacebookClient object and call its methods with the parameters you need.
  • It is fast and efficient. It does not load unnecessary classes or files, so it does not slow down your application or consume too much memory.
  • It is compatible with any version of the Facebook API. You can specify the API version you want to use in the constructor of the FacebookClient object.
  • It is open source and free. You can modify it or extend it as you wish, or contribute to its development on GitHub.

How to download and install Java Facebook Lite

To download and install Java Facebook Lite, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the zip file from GitHub

You can download the zip file from this link. It contains the jar file, the source code, and some examples. Save it to your computer and unzip it.

Step 2: Extract the files to your project directory

Copy the jar file (facebook-lite-0.1.jar) to your project directory, where you keep your other libraries or dependencies. You can also copy the source code and examples if you want to see how they work or modify them.

Step 3: Add the jar file to your classpath

You need to add the jar file to your classpath, so that your application can find it and use it. The way you do this depends on your development environment or tool. For example, if you are using Eclipse, you can right-click on your project, select Properties, then Java Build Path, then Libraries, then Add JARs, then browse to the jar file and select it.

How to use Java Facebook Lite in your application

To use Java Facebook Lite in your application, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Initialize the FacebookClient object

To use Java Facebook Lite, you need to create a FacebookClient object that will handle the communication with the Facebook API. You can do this by using the constructor that takes two parameters: the access token and the API version. The access token is a string that identifies your application and grants you permission to access the Facebook data. You can obtain it from the Facebook developer site. The API version is a string that specifies which version of the Facebook API you want to use. You can choose any version from v2.0 to v12.0, or use “default” to use the latest version. For example, you can create a FacebookClient object like this:

FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient("your_access_token", "v12.0"); 

Step 2: Make API calls using the FacebookClient methods

Once you have a FacebookClient object, you can use its methods to make API calls to Facebook. Each method corresponds to a specific endpoint or action in the Facebook API. You can pass parameters to the methods as key-value pairs in a Map object. The methods will return a JSON object that contains the response from the Facebook API. You can also specify a callback function that will be executed when the response is received, if you are using asynchronous mode. For example, you can make a GET request to get your profile information like this:

Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("fields", "id,name,picture"); fb.get("/me", params, new Callback() {   @Override   public void onCompleted(Response response) {     // do something with the response     System.out.println(response.getJson());   } }); 

Step 3: Handle the responses and exceptions

When you make an API call using Java Facebook Lite, you need to handle the responses and exceptions that may occur. The responses are JSON objects that contain the data or message from the Facebook API. You can access them by using the getJson() method of the Response object. You can also check the status code and error code of the response by using the getStatusCode() and getErrorCode() methods, respectively. For example, you can check if the response is successful like this:

Response response = fb.get("/me", params); if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {   // success   System.out.println(response.getJson()); } else {   // failure   System.out.println(response.getErrorCode()); } 

The exceptions are Java exceptions that may occur due to network issues, invalid parameters, or other errors. You can catch them by using a try-catch block and handle them accordingly. For example, you can catch a FacebookException like this:

try {   Response response = fb.get("/me", params);   // do something with the response } catch (FacebookException e) {   // handle the exception   e.printStackTrace(); } 


In this article, you learned how to download and install Java Facebook Lite, a lightweight JavaScript SDK for the Facebook API. You also learned how to use it in your application by creating a FacebookClient object, making API calls, and handling responses and exceptions. Java Facebook Lite is a simple and fast way to integrate your Java application with Facebook, without depending on any external libraries or frameworks.

Summary of the main points

  • Java Facebook Lite is a lightweight JavaScript SDK for the Facebook API that only contains one class, called FacebookClient.
  • You can download and install Java Facebook Lite by downloading the zip file from GitHub, extracting it to your project directory, and adding it to your classpath.
  • You can use Java Facebook Lite by creating a FacebookClient object with your access token and API version, making API calls using its methods, and handling responses and exceptions.

Call to action and resources

If you want to learn more about Java Facebook Lite, you can visit its GitHub page, where you can find more examples, documentation, and source code. You can also contribute to its development by reporting issues, suggesting features, or submitting pull requests.

If you want to learn more about the Facebook API, you can visit its official site, where you can find more information, tutorials, and tools.

If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in integrating their Java applications with Facebook. Thank you for reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the difference between Java Facebook Lite and the official Facebook SDK for Java?
  2. The main difference is that Java Facebook Lite is much simpler and lighter than the official SDK. It only contains one class, FacebookClient, that provides methods for making API calls to Facebook. It does not depend on any external libraries or frameworks, and it supports both synchronous and asynchronous modes. The official SDK, on the other hand, contains many classes and interfaces, and depends on several libraries and frameworks, such as Apache HttpComponents, Jackson, and Guava. It also only supports asynchronous mode.

  3. How can I get an access token for using Java Facebook Lite?
  4. You can get an access token from the Facebook developer site. You need to create a Facebook app and register it with the Facebook platform. Then, you can generate an access token for your app by using the Graph API Explorer or the Access Token Tool. You can also use the Login with Facebook feature to get an access token for a specific user.

  5. How can I specify the API version I want to use with Java Facebook Lite?
  6. You can specify the API version you want to use in the constructor of the FacebookClient object. You can pass a string that represents the version number, such as “v12.0”, or use “default” to use the latest version. If you do not specify the API version, Java Facebook Lite will use “default” by default.

  7. How can I make a POST or DELETE request with Java Facebook Lite?
  8. You can make a POST or DELETE request with Java Facebook Lite by using the post() or delete() methods of the FacebookClient object. You can pass parameters to these methods as key-value pairs in a Map object. For example, you can make a POST request to publish a post on your timeline like this:

    Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("message", "Hello, world!");"/me/feed", params); 
  9. How can I handle pagination with Java Facebook Lite?
  10. You can handle pagination with Java Facebook Lite by using the getNext() or getPrevious() methods of the Response object. These methods will return a new Response object that contains the next or previous page of data from the Facebook API. You can also use the hasNext() or hasPrevious() methods to check if there is a next or previous page available. For example, you can get all your friends’ names like this:

    Response response = fb.get("/me/friends", params); while (response.hasNext()) {   // do something with the response   System.out.println(response.getJson());   // get the next page   response = response.getNext(); } 


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