
Aether 2 Apkpure




Minecraft is a game that allows you to create and explore infinite worlds with your imagination. But sometimes, you may want to experience something different, something more magical and adventurous. That’s where mods come in. Mods are modifications that add new content or change existing features of the game. One of the most popular and impressive mods for Minecraft is the Aether 2 mod.

The Aether 2 mod is a sequel to the original Aether mod, which was released in 2011. The Aether 2 mod adds a new dimension to the game, called the Aether. The Aether is a realm of floating islands, high above the clouds. It is a beautiful and mysterious place, full of new biomes, mobs, blocks, items, and dungeons. The Aether 2 mod is not just a simple port of the old version, but a complete overhaul with new features and improvements.

If you are looking for a new challenge and adventure in Minecraft, you should definitely try the Aether 2 mod. It will give you a whole new perspective on the game and make you feel like you are playing a different game altogether. In this article, I will show you how to download and install the Aether 2 mod, as well as some of its features and screenshots.

Downloading and installing the mod

Before you can play with the Aether 2 mod, you need to download and install it on your computer. You also need to have Minecraft Forge installed, which is a tool that allows you to run mods on Minecraft. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Navigate to the CurseForge page of the Aether 2 mod and click on “Files”.
  2. Select the version of the mod that matches your version of Minecraft and click on “Download”.
  3. Save the .jar file of the mod to your desktop or any other folder.
  4. Navigate to the Minecraft Forge downloads page and click on “Installer”.
  5. Select the version of Forge that matches your version of Minecraft and click on “Download”.
  6. Save the .jar file of Forge to your desktop or any other folder.
  7. Double-click on the Forge .jar file and select “Install client”.
  8. Click on “OK” and wait for Forge to install.
  9. Open your Minecraft launcher and select “Forge” as your profile.
  10. Click on “Play” and wait for Minecraft to load.
  11. Close Minecraft and open your file explorer or finder.
  12. Navigate to your .minecraft folder (usually located at C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft on Windows or /Library/Application Support/minecraft on Mac OS X).
  13. Create a new folder inside .minecraft called “mods” if it doesn’t exist already.
  14. Copy and paste the .jar file of the Aether 2 mod into the mods folder.
  15. You also need to download another .jar file called “Gilded Games Util” from the same CurseForge page as the Aether 2 mod and put it in the mods folder.
  16. Launch Minecraft again with Forge profile and check if the Aether 2 mod is enabled in the mods menu.

Exploring the Aether

Now that you have installed the Aether 2 mod, you are ready to enter the new dimension and explore its wonders. To do so, you need to create a portal

to the Aether. To make an Aether portal, you need to craft a portal frame by placing 4 stone and 4 iron ingots into a crafting table. Then, you need to place the portal frame and right-click it to enter the portal. Alternatively, you can find an End Portal Frame block in a stronghold and use it to build an Aether portal. You can only activate the portal by pouring a bucket of water inside it .

Features of the mod

The Aether 2 mod is not just a simple dimension mod, but a whole new world with its own features and mechanics. Here are some of the things you can find and do in the Aether:

  • Biomes

    The Aether has several biomes, each with its own landscape, vegetation, and weather. Some of the biomes are:

    • Highlands

      This is the main biome of the Aether, where you will spawn when you enter the dimension. It is a grassy and hilly area with blue trees, white flowers, and colorful clouds. The weather is usually clear and sunny, but sometimes it can rain or snow.

    • Arcane Cliffs

      This is a biome with steep cliffs and floating islands. It has purple trees, pink flowers, and purple clouds. The weather is often stormy and thunderous, and lightning can strike randomly.

    • Eden Forest

      This is a biome with lush green forests and rivers. It has green trees, yellow flowers, and green clouds. The weather is usually calm and peaceful, but sometimes it can foggy or misty.

    • Other biomes

      There are also other biomes in the Aether, such as the Frostpine Forest, the Arid Highlands, the Necromancer’s Tower, and more. Each biome has its own unique features and secrets to discover.

  • Mobs

    The Aether is home to many new mobs, some friendly and some hostile. Some of the mobs are:

    • Zephyrs

      These are flying creatures that look like jellyfish. They are hostile and will attack you by knocking you upwards with gusts of wind. They can also drop Zephyr Snowballs, which you can use as projectiles.

    • Aerwhales

      These are huge flying whales that roam the skies of the Aether. They are passive and will not harm you unless provoked. They can drop Aerwhale Meat, which you can cook and eat.

    • Swets

      These are slime-like creatures that bounce around on the ground. They are hostile and will try to swallow you whole. They can drop Swet Jelly, which you can use to craft Swet Blocks or Swetty Balls.

    • Cockatrices

      These are bird-like creatures that have venomous spines on their tails. They are hostile and will shoot their spines at you from a distance. They can drop Cockatrice Feathers, which you can use to craft Dart Shooters or Poison Darts.

    • Aerbunnies

      These are cute bunny-like creatures that hop around on the ground. They are passive and will not attack you unless provoked. You can tame them with Rainbow Strawberries or Wyndberries, and they will follow you around. You can also pick them up and place them on your head for extra jump boost.

    • Carrion Sprouts

      These are plant-like creatures that grow on the ground. They are hostile and will spit seeds at you from a distance. They can drop Carrion Seeds or Wyndberries, which you can plant or eat.

    • Other mobs

      There are also other mobs in the Aether, such as Sheepuffs, Moas, Phygies, Flying Cows, Valkyries, Slider Bosses, and more. Each mob has its own unique behavior and drops.

  • Blocks

    The Aether has many new blocks that have different properties and uses. Some of the blocks are:

    • Aerclouds

      These are cloud-like blocks that float in the air. There are different types of Aerclouds, such as Cold Aerclouds, Blue Aerclouds, Golden Aerclouds, and Storm Aerclouds. Each type has a different effect when you touch it, such as freezing you, bouncing you, shocking you, or giving you a speed boost.

    • Holystone

      This is the main stone block of the Aether. It has a gray color and a rough texture. It can be mined with a pickaxe and used to craft Holystone Bricks, Holystone Furnaces, and other items. It can also drop Ambrosium Shards, which are used as fuel or food.

    • Aether Dirt and Grass

      These are the main dirt and grass blocks of the Aether. They have a light blue color and a smooth texture. They can be dug with a shovel and used to plant crops or flowers. They can also drop Aether Seeds, which are used to grow Aether Wheat.

    • Quicksoil

      This is a sand-like block that can be found near water sources in the Aether. It has a yellow color and a shiny texture. It can be mined with a shovel and used to craft Quicksoil Glass or Quicksoil Sandstone. It can also give you a speed boost when you walk on it.

    • Icestone

      This is a ice-like block that can be found in cold biomes in the Aether. It has a light blue color and a crystalline texture. It can be mined with a pickaxe and used to craft Icestone Bricks or Freezers. It can also freeze nearby water or lava blocks when placed.

    • Other blocks

      There are also other blocks in the Aether, such as Skyroot Logs, Skyroot Leaves, Skyroot Planks, Zanite Ore, Zanite Blocks, Enchanted Gravitite, Altar Blocks, Dungeon Blocks, and more. Each block has its own unique appearance and use.

  • Items

    The Aether has many new items that have different functions and effects. Some of the items are:

    • Skyroot Tools and Weapons

      These are tools and weapons made from Skyroot Sticks and Skyroot Planks. They have a light blue color and a wooden texture. They have low durability and efficiency, but they have a special ability: they drop two items instead of one when used on blocks or mobs.

    • Zanite Tools and Weapons

      These are tools and weapons made from Zanite Gems. They have a purple color and a metallic texture. They have medium durability and efficiency, but they have another special ability: they increase their power as they get damaged.

    • Gravitite Tools and Weapons

      These are tools and weapons made from Enchanted Gravitite. They have a pink color and a glowing texture. They have high durability and efficiency, but they have the most special ability: they can make blocks or mobs float in the air when hit.

    • Dart Shooters and Darts

      These are ranged weapons made from Cockatrice Feathers, Golden Amber, Skyroot Sticks, Zanite Gems, or Enchanted Gravitite. They have different colors and textures depending on the material used. They can shoot darts that deal damage or inflict effects on targets.

    • Accessories

      These are items that can be worn in the accessory slots of your inventory. They have different colors and shapes depending on their type. They can provide passive bonuses or abilities to your character, such as increased health, speed, jump height, flight, fire resistance, invisibility, etc.

    • Other items

      There are also other items in the Aether, such as Ambrosium Shards, Golden Amber, Moa Eggs, Cloud Parachutes, Healing Stones, Phoenix Armor, Valkyrie Armor, Slider’s Labyrinth Keys, Lore Books, Music Discs, and more. Each item has its own unique purpose and effect.

  • Dungeons

    The Aether has several dungeons that can be found on some islands in the dimension. They are large structures that contain traps, puzzles, enemies, loot chests, and bosses. There are three types of dungeons in the Aether: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each type has a different difficulty level and reward. To enter a dungeon, you need to have a matching key, which can be obtained by defeating a Slider Boss in another dungeon. Here are some of the dungeons you can find in the Aether:

    • Bronze Dungeons

      These are the easiest dungeons in the Aether. They have a brown color and a stone texture. They contain simple traps and puzzles, such as pressure plates, pistons, and levers. They also contain some enemies, such as Zephyrs, Cockatrices, and Sentry Guards. The boss of the Bronze Dungeon is the Slider, a large stone creature that slides across the floor and walls. The Slider can be damaged by hitting its weak spot, which is marked by a red eye. The reward for defeating the Slider is a Bronze Key, which can be used to open a treasure chest that contains some loot, such as Zanite Tools or Weapons, Valkyrie Lances, or Music Discs.

    • Silver Dungeons

      These are the medium dungeons in the Aether. They have a silver color and a metal texture. They contain more complex traps and puzzles, such as buttons, switches, and doors. They also contain more enemies, such as Swets, Carrion Sprouts, and Valkyries. The boss of the Silver Dungeon is the Valkyrie Queen, a powerful warrior that flies and attacks with a sword and shield. The Valkyrie Queen can be damaged by hitting her with any weapon or projectile. The reward for defeating the Valkyrie Queen is a Silver Key, which can be used to open a treasure chest that contains some loot, such as Gravitite Tools or Weapons, Phoenix Armor, or Lightning Knives.

    • Gold Dungeons

      These are the hardest dungeons in the Aether. They have a gold color and a glowing texture. They contain the most difficult traps and puzzles, such as lasers, spikes, and mazes. They also contain the most dangerous enemies, such as Aerwhales, Fire Minions, and Sun Spirits. The boss of the Gold Dungeon is the Sun God, a giant flaming creature that shoots fireballs and beams. The Sun God can be damaged by hitting him with Icestone or Freezer weapons or items. The reward for defeating the Sun God is a Gold Key, which can be used to open a treasure chest that contains some loot, such as Neptune Armor, Cloud Staffs, or Life Shards.

Screenshots of the mod

To give you an idea of how the Aether 2 mod looks like in action, here are some screenshots of the mod that I took while playing:

A screenshot of the Highlands biome A screenshot of the Arcane Cliffs biome A screenshot of the Eden Forest biome
A screenshot of a Zephyr attacking me A screenshot of an Aerwhale flying above me A screenshot of a Swet trying to swallow me
A screenshot of an Aerbunny on my head A screenshot of an Aether portal A screenshot of a Bronze Dungeon
A screenshot of a Silver Dungeon A screenshot of a Gold Dungeon A screenshot of me fighting the Sun God


The Aether 2 mod is one of the best mods for Minecraft that adds a whole new dimension to the game. It is full of new biomes, mobs, blocks,

I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about the Aether 2 mod. It is a great mod that adds a lot of fun and challenge to Minecraft. If you want to try it yourself, you can download it from the links below and follow the instructions I gave you. Have fun exploring the Aether and discovering its secrets!


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Aether 2 mod:

  • Is the Aether 2 mod compatible with other mods?

    The Aether 2 mod is compatible with most mods that do not change the core mechanics of Minecraft or add new dimensions. However, some mods may cause conflicts or crashes, so it is recommended to test them before playing. You can also use a mod manager like MultiMC or Twitch to create separate profiles for different mod combinations.

  • How do I update the Aether 2 mod?

    To update the Aether 2 mod, you need to download the latest version of the mod and replace the old .jar file in your mods folder. You also need to update Forge and Gilded Games Util if they have new versions. However, be aware that updating the mod may break your old worlds, so make sure to backup your saves before updating.

  • How do I uninstall the Aether 2 mod?

    To uninstall the Aether 2 mod, you need to delete the .jar file of the mod from your mods folder. You also need to delete the .jar file of Gilded Games Util, which is a dependency of the mod. You can also delete the config files and save files related to the mod if you want to remove all traces of it.

  • Where can I find more information about the Aether 2 mod?

    If you want to learn more about the Aether 2 mod, you can visit its official website, wiki, Discord server, or CurseForge page. There you can find more details about the features, updates, screenshots, videos, guides, tutorials, support, feedback, and more.

  • How can I support the development of the Aether 2 mod?

    If you want to support the development of the Aether 2 mod, you can donate to its Patreon page or buy its merchandise. There you can get some special perks and rewards for your generosity and help fund the project. You can also support the mod by spreading the word, leaving a comment, giving a rating, reporting bugs, suggesting ideas, or joining the community.


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