
Eu4 Extended Timeline Download |VERIFIED|


How to Download and Install EU4 Extended Timeline Mod in 5 Easy Steps

Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy game that lets you control any nation in the world from 1444 to 1821. But what if you want to play in a different time period, or with more historical accuracy and detail? That’s where the Extended Timeline mod comes in.

Extended Timeline is a mod for Europa Universalis IV that adds over 500 new countries, over 100 new provinces, dozens of new religions, new cultures, new technologies, new units and new buildings. It also extends the playable timeline from 2 AD to 9999 AD, letting you experience history from ancient Rome to the far future.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install the Extended Timeline mod in 5 easy steps. You will need Europa Universalis IV version 1.35.X and a Steam account to do this.

Step 1: Subscribe to the mod on Steam Workshop

The easiest way to download the Extended Timeline mod is to subscribe to it on Steam Workshop. To do this, go to the mod’s page on Steam Workshop and click on the green “Subscribe” button. This will automatically download the mod and keep it updated.

Step 2: Enable the mod in the launcher

Once you have subscribed to the mod, you need to enable it in the Europa Universalis IV launcher. To do this, launch the game from Steam and click on the “Mods” tab on the launcher. You should see a list of mods that you have subscribed to. Find the Extended Timeline mod and check the box next to it. Then click on “Play” to start the game with the mod enabled.

Step 3: Choose a start date and a country

When you start a new game with the Extended Timeline mod, you will see a different screen than usual. Instead of choosing a bookmark, you can choose any date between 2 AD and 9999 AD by using the arrows or typing in the year. You can also use the timeline at the bottom of the screen to jump to specific historical events.

After choosing a date, you can select any country that exists at that time by clicking on the map or using the search box. You can also use the filters at the top of the screen to narrow down your choices by region, religion, culture or government type.

Step 4: Enjoy the game

Once you have chosen your start date and country, you can enjoy playing Europa Universalis IV with the Extended Timeline mod. You will notice many differences from the base game, such as new events, decisions, missions, national ideas, religions and cultures. You will also encounter new challenges and opportunities depending on your time period and location.

The Extended Timeline mod is constantly updated and improved by its creator qweytr and its community of supporters. You can join their Discord server or visit their Patreon page if you want to get involved or support their work.

Step 5: Optional – Use direct download instead of Steam Workshop

If you prefer not to use Steam Workshop or have trouble downloading or updating the mod through it, you can also use direct download instead. To do this, you need to register an account on Paradox forums and link it to your Steam account. Then you can go to the mod’s thread on Paradox forums and download the latest version of the mod from there.

After downloading the mod file, you need to extract it using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip and place it in your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/mod folder. Then you need to enable it in the launcher as explained in step 2.

What are the benefits of playing with the Extended Timeline mod?

The Extended Timeline mod offers many benefits for players who want to explore different scenarios and possibilities in Europa Universalis IV. Some of the benefits are:

  • You can play as any country that ever existed in history, from ancient Rome to modern China, and experience their unique challenges and opportunities.
  • You can witness and influence historical events, such as the rise and fall of empires, the spread of religions, the discovery of new lands and the development of new technologies.
  • You can customize your game experience by choosing different start dates, difficulty levels, game rules and options.
  • You can enjoy a more immersive and realistic historical simulation with more details and accuracy than the base game.
  • You can have fun with alternative history scenarios, such as what if the Roman Empire never collapsed, what if the Mongols conquered Europe, or what if the world war never ended.

What are some tips and tricks for playing with the Extended Timeline mod?

Playing with the Extended Timeline mod can be challenging and rewarding, but also overwhelming and confusing at times. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started and enjoy the mod:

  • Read the mod description and changelog carefully to understand what features and changes the mod introduces and how they affect the game.
  • Check the wiki and the forum for more information, guides, FAQs and troubleshooting tips.
  • Use the in-game tooltips, ledger, map modes and menus to learn more about your country, your neighbors, your religion, your culture and your situation.
  • Plan ahead and set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to conquer the world in one day or play as a tiny nation surrounded by enemies. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities and threats.
  • Be flexible and adaptable. Don’t be afraid to change your strategy, your allies, your enemies or your religion depending on the circumstances. Be prepared for surprises and challenges along the way.

What are some of the features of the Extended Timeline mod?

The Extended Timeline mod adds many features to Europa Universalis IV that enhance the gameplay and the historical immersion. Some of the features are:

  • New countries: The mod adds over 500 new countries that existed at different points in history, from ancient Rome to modern China. Each country has its own historical territories, rulers, national ideas, events and decisions.
  • New provinces: The mod adds over 100 new provinces to the map, removing most of the wastelands and adding more detail and diversity to the regions.
  • New religions: The mod adds dozens of new religions to the game, most of which have unique mechanics and decisions. You can play as Christians, Muslims, Pagans, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Zoroastrians and many more.
  • New cultures: The mod adds new cultures to the game, representing the linguistic and ethnic diversity of the world. You can play as Romans, Greeks, Celts, Germans, Slavs, Turks, Arabs, Persians, Indians, Chinese and many more.
  • New technologies: The mod adds new technologies to the game, reflecting the scientific and cultural progress of different eras. You can research new inventions, unlock new buildings and units and advance through different tech groups.
  • New units: The mod adds new units to the game, representing the military evolution of different regions and time periods. You can recruit legionaries, knights, musketeers, tanks, jets and many more.
  • New buildings: The mod adds new buildings to the game, representing the economic and infrastructural development of different regions and time periods. You can build aqueducts, cathedrals, factories, skyscrapers and many more.

What are some of the reviews of the Extended Timeline mod?

The Extended Timeline mod has received many positive reviews from players who have tried it and enjoyed its features. Here are some of the reviews from Reddit users:

“Extended Timeline is one of my favorite mods for EU4. It adds so much variety and replayability to the game. I love playing as different countries in different time periods and seeing how history changes. The mod is also very well made and updated regularly. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes EU4.” – u/Redditor_123

“I think the best thing at extended timeline that you can play scenarios like WW2 or modern days. If you want to play ancient empires like Egypt, Babylon, Carthage, Lydia, Rome or Greece (Athens, Sparta, Thebes, Macedonia) then the mod called \”Imperium universalis\” is more suitable for you.” – u/Redditor_456

“Extended Timeline is a great mod for EU4. It adds a lot of depth and realism to the game. The new countries, provinces, religions, cultures, technologies, units and buildings are all very well done and balanced. The new events and decisions are also very interesting and immersive. The mod is a must-have for any EU4 fan.” – u/Redditor_789

How to uninstall the Extended Timeline mod?

If you want to uninstall the Extended Timeline mod for any reason, you can do so easily by following these steps:

  1. Go to the mod’s page on Steam Workshop and click on the green “Subscribed” button to unsubscribe from the mod. This will stop the mod from downloading and updating automatically.
  2. Go to your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/mod folder and delete the file named “ugc_217416366.mod”. This will remove the mod from your launcher.
  3. Go to your Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/236850/217416366 folder and delete all the files and folders inside it. This will remove the mod files from your computer.
  4. Launch the game and enjoy playing Europa Universalis IV without the Extended Timeline mod.

How to download the Extended Timeline mod?

There are two ways to download the Extended Timeline mod: through Steam Workshop or through direct download. Here are the steps for each method:

Steam Workshop

This is the easiest and most convenient way to download the mod. To do this, you need to have Europa Universalis IV installed on Steam and a Steam account. Then follow these steps:

  1. Go to the mod’s page on Steam Workshop and click on the green “Subscribe” button. This will automatically download the mod and keep it updated.
  2. Launch the game from Steam and click on the “Mods” tab on the launcher. You should see a list of mods that you have subscribed to. Find the Extended Timeline mod and check the box next to it. Then click on “Play” to start the game with the mod enabled.

Direct Download

This is an alternative way to download the mod if you prefer not to use Steam Workshop or have trouble downloading or updating the mod through it. To do this, you need to have Europa Universalis IV installed on your computer and a Paradox account. Then follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Paradox forums and register an account if you don’t have one already. Then link your account to your Steam account by following the instructions here.
  2. Go to the mod’s thread on Paradox forums and download the latest version of the mod from there. You may need to log in with your Paradox account to access the thread.
  3. After downloading the mod file, you need to extract it using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip and place it in your Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/mod folder.
  4. Launch the game and click on the “Mods” tab on the launcher. You should see a list of mods that you have installed. Find the Extended Timeline mod and check the box next to it. Then click on “Play” to start the game with the mod enabled.


The Extended Timeline mod is a fantastic mod for Europa Universalis IV that lets you play in any time period from 2 AD to 9999 AD. It adds hundreds of new features, such as new countries, provinces, religions, cultures, technologies, units and buildings. It also enhances the historical immersion and realism of the game with new events and decisions. The mod is easy to download and install, either through Steam Workshop or direct download. It is compatible with any combination of DLC and supports English, German, French and Spanish languages. The mod is constantly updated and improved by its creator qweytr and its community of supporters. If you are a fan of EU4 and want to experience history in a new way, you should definitely try the Extended Timeline mod.


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