
Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf !!HOT!! Downloadl

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Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf Downloadl: A Treasure of Wisdom and Spiritual Insights

If you are interested in learning about the science of Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, you may want to download Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf, a classic work by the renowned Sufi master Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri (d. 1074 CE). This book, also known as Al-Risala al-Qushayriyya or The Qushayriyyan Epistle on the Science of Sufism, is one of the earliest and most comprehensive manuals of Sufi teachings and practices. It covers various topics such as the definition and history of Sufism, the biographies of 83 Sufi saints, the explanation of 28 Sufi terms, and the description of 40 Sufi stations and states. It also demonstrates the compatibility between Sufism and mainstream Sunni Islam, especially the Ash’ari creed and the Shafi’i school of law.

In this article, we will give you a brief overview of Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf and its author, as well as some tips on how to download it for free. We will also share some benefits of reading this book and some insights that you can gain from it.

Who is Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri?

Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri was born in Nishapur, a city in present-day Iran, in 376 AH (986 CE). He belonged to a noble family that traced its lineage to the Quraysh tribe, the same tribe as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He studied various Islamic sciences under prominent scholars such as Abu Ali al-Daqqaq, Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqi, and Abu Nasr al-Sarraj. He also traveled to Baghdad, Mecca, Medina, and other places to seek knowledge and meet other Sufis.

Al-Qushayri was not only a scholar but also a practitioner of Sufism. He devoted himself to spiritual exercises such as prayer, fasting, meditation, recitation of God’s names, and service to others. He also experienced mystical visions and revelations that enhanced his understanding of God and His attributes. He was respected and loved by his students and peers for his piety, humility, generosity, and wisdom.

Al-Qushayri wrote several books on Sufism, theology, Qur’anic exegesis, and hadith. His most famous work is Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf, which he wrote in 438 AH (1045 CE) when he was 61 years old. He dedicated this book to his son Muhammad, who later became a famous Sufi scholar himself. Al-Qushayri died in Nishapur in 465 AH (1074 CE) and was buried near his teacher al-Daqqaq.

What is Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf?

Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf is a masterpiece of Sufi literature that has been widely read and studied by Muslims for centuries. It is considered as an indispensable reference book for those who want to learn about the principles and practices of Sufism. It is also a source of inspiration and guidance for those who want to follow the path of spiritual perfection.

The book consists of four parts:

  • The first part contains the biographies of 83 Sufi saints who lived before or during al-Qushayri’s time. These include famous figures such as Hasan al-Basri, Rabia al-Adawiyya, Junayd al-Baghdadi, Abu Yazid al-Bistami, Mansur al-Hallaj, Abu Sa’id al-Kharraz, and many others. Al-Qushayri narrates their stories, quotes their sayings, and highlights their virtues and achievements. He also shows how they adhered to the divine law (shari’a) and defended the orthodox creed (aqida) against heretical sects.
  • The second part explains 28 expressions that are commonly used by the Sufis to describe their experiences and states. These include terms such as sincerity (ikhlas), love (mahabba), repentance (tawba), patience (sabr), gratitude (shukr), contentment (rida), trust (tawakkul), fear (khawf), hope (raja’), intimacy (uns), longing (shawq), ecstasy (wajd), annihilation (fana’), subsistence (baqa’), witnessing (mushahada), unveiling (kashf), gnosis (‘irfan), certainty (yaqin), poverty (faqr), richness (ghina’), servanthood (‘ubudiyya), lordship (rububiyya), proximity (qurb), distance (bu’d), attraction (jadhb), guidance (hidaya), error (dhalal), and repentance (‘inaba).
  • The third part describes 40 stations and states that the Sufis go through in their journey to God. These include stages such as repentance (tawba), abstinence (zuhd), renunciation (war’), trustworthiness (‘adala), sincerity (sidq), truthfulness (‘isma’), verification (tahqiq), intention (niyya), willpower (‘azm), striving (mujahada), vigilance (muraqaba), remembrance (dhikr), contemplation (tafakkur), gratitude (shukr), patience (sabr), reliance on God (tawakkul), satisfaction with God’s decree (rida bi’l-qada’), fear of God’s punishment (khawf min ‘iqab Allah), hope for God’s mercy (raja’ li-rahmat Allah), love for God (mahabba li-llah), intimacy with God (uns bi-llah), longing for God (shawq ila-llah), ecstasy in God (wajd fi-llah), annihilation in God (fana’ fi-llah), subsistence with God (baqa’ ma’a-llah), witnessing God (mushahada li-llah), unveiling from God (kashf ‘an-llah), gnosis of God (‘irfan bi-llah), certainty from God (yaqin min-llah), poverty toward God (faqr ila-llah), richness from God (ghina’ ‘an-llah), servanthood to God (‘ubudiyya li-llah), lordship from God (rububiyya min-llah), proximity to God (qurb ila-llah), distance from other than God (bu’d ‘an ghayr-llah), attraction by God (jadhb min-llah), guidance by God (hidaya min-llah), error from other than God (dhalal ‘an ghayr-llah), repentance to God (‘inaba ila-llah).
  • The fourth part deals with the etiquette and conduct of the Sufis in relation to their shaykhs or spiritual masters, their fellow disciples or companions, and their general behavior or manners. It also includes some advice on how to avoid pitfalls and dangers on the path, and how to attain success and felicity in both worlds.

How to download Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf for free?

If you want to download Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf for free, you can use one of the following links:

You can also find other versions or translations of Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf online, such as English, French, German, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu. However, you should be careful about the quality and accuracy of these sources, as some may contain errors or distortions.

Alternatively, you can buy a printed copy of Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah

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from God (baqa’ ma’a-llah), witnessing God (mushahada li-llah), unveiling from God (kashf ‘an-llah), gnosis of God (‘irfan bi-llah), certainty from God (yaqin min-llah), poverty toward God (faqr ila-llah), richness from God (ghina’ ‘an-llah), servanthood to God (‘ubudiyya li-llah), lordship from God (rububiyya min-llah), proximity to God (qurb ila-llah), distance from other than God (bu’d ‘an ghayr-llah), attraction by God (jadhb min-llah), guidance by God (hidaya min-llah), error from other than God (dhalal ‘an ghayr-llah), repentance to God (‘inaba ila-llah).

  • The fourth part deals with the etiquette and conduct of the Sufis in relation to their shaykhs or spiritual masters, their fellow disciples or companions, and their general behavior or manners. It also includes some advice on how to avoid pitfalls and dangers on the path, and how to attain success and felicity in both worlds.
  • How to download Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf for free?

    If you want to download Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf for free, you can use one of the following links:

    You can also find other versions or translations of Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf online, such as English, French, German, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu. However, you should be careful about the quality and accuracy of these sources, as some may contain errors or distortions.

    Alternatively, you can buy a printed copy of Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf from online or offline bookstores, such as Amazon, Dar al-Tiba’ah al-Amirah, or Suhail Academy Lahore.

    What are the benefits of reading Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf?

    Reading Kitab Risalah Al-qusyairiyah Pdf can offer you many benefits, such as:

    • You can learn about the history and development of Sufism, its origins, its branches, its influences, and its challenges.
    • You can get acquainted with the lives and teachings of the Sufi saints, their stories, their sayings, their miracles, and their examples.
    • You can understand the meanings and implications of the Sufi terms, expressions, concepts, and doctrines that are often misunderstood or misinterpreted by outsiders.
    • You can explore the stages and states of the Sufi path, its goals, its methods, its conditions, and its outcomes.
    • You can appreciate the harmony and balance between Sufism and Sunni Islam, its conformity with the shari’a and the aqida, and its respect for the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
    • You can gain spiritual insights and inspirations that can help you improve your relationship with God, yourself, and others.
    • You can develop your moral character and ethical behavior according to the Sufi etiquette and conduct.
    • You can enhance your love for God, His Messenger, His Book, His creation, and His way.


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