
Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson’s Plan to Take This Literally

Update: We have an official pre-launch partnership with OkCupid. To learn more, click here.

A lot of people decide to get a job or move to a new city to date, and there’s no reason you can’t do the same. By finding a roommate or roommates to live with, you’re providing yourself with the best first date of your life: lots of free coffee.

Update: we’ve partnered with to give you a month of free Match Premium. Sign up for a free trial here.

If you want to find someone who shares your same hobbies or interests, don’t just type “bowling” into OkCupid or a dating site. Browse sites and apps that let you browse or search for people who share similar interests. SwingLifeStyle, for instance, has a feature called “Swing by,” in which you can use your location and search term to see who’s around you, and you can go to these people’s profiles to see their interests.

On Badoo, for instance, you can search for people who share a lot of the same interests, or you can join groups of people who share interests in common, like “outdoor sports” or “flamingos.” On Zoosk, you can even join groups of people who have a “shared personality trait”—like “salt-of-the-earth,” “tiger,” or “under-6 feet tall.”

We live in a very special, crazy time, and there are a lot of great things that come with our 21st-century lifestyles, but I often think we lose a little bit of perspective on the point of love. True love seems to have a shorter shelf life in the modern day and age, but that doesn’t mean it’s not out there for the taking. If you’re looking for someone to have a cup of coffee with, a walk with, or maybe something more, getting off the couch and going out there and meeting new people isn’t as scary as it seems.

Update: if you’re just getting into the dating scene, we’ve partnered with OkCupid to give you a month of OkCupid Premium. Sign up for a free trial here.

You’ve taken the first step, and now you’re going to have to talk to them. So what do you say? How do you tell someone you’re interested in them? Here are a few tips to help you get the conversation started
Dating Tips From All the Maturing Geniuses

If you want to get some ideas on how to deal with some of the scary, and ultimately helpful, parts of dating, I’ve enlisted the help of some of the more mature dating advice experts who I was lucky enough to catch on the phone. These guys are all on first dates and they’ve been through it all. They have sage advice. Here, they share what they’ve learned so far.

Nick Hoffman, Creating Love: The Art of Asking:

Gizmodo’s own Nick Hoffman explains that dating is a dynamic, two-way process between people. It’s not really about what you’re thinking, and it’s not really about what you’re feeling. Even when you and a guy are in the midst of a relationship, both parties should consider how they feel about the relationship because that’s going to dictate what they do next. A lot of people get caught up in the idea of waiting to see what happens, but dating should be about figuring out what you’re going to do at the time. It’s a long-term process, but when you’re in it, it’s about thinking about what’s going on with you and your partner, not necessarily what’s going on with someone else.

“Obviously, your own feelings about the person you’re going out with will come into play, but you should be thinking about more than that. You should also be thinking about what you’re going to do if this is going to be a good match.” If you find someone you like a lot, your first instinct should be to go to this person’s place to make sure they’re who they say they are—just as you’d do if you were going to rent a house or get a loan. The quality of your relationship can’t be based on whether you like the people you’re dating. If you meet a lot of people and like some of them, but you don’t feel anything special for them, just move on. The right person is going to make you feel like you’re on top of the world.

Nick makes the common mistake of “throwing himself out there” and going to places where he just expects to meet someone. You shouldn’t know much about the person you’re going out with. But this can lead you into trouble, too, because if you already know what you want and you’ve set a specific goal, then you’ll be looking for people to fit that mold. Instead, pay attention

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