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How to Use This Book

The best way to get a feel for Photoshop is to use it for some of the projects in this book. This book provides many projects and tutorials to help.

Each chapter in this book opens with a project. You can either start with an exercise from the exercises on the DVD, or from the chapter itself. You need to do one of the projects before you can get into any of the exercises. After you’ve worked on all the projects in the chapter, you’ll be ready to work on the exercises.

## Foolish Assumptions

To create a project in this book, I have made some assumptions about your experience with Photoshop. Here are a few things I don’t want you to miss if you’re going to follow the examples:

* You need to know the difference between layers and pens — and how to work with layers. If you have no idea what a layer is or how to work with it, you should at least know that.
* You need to know the difference between the Photoshop and Photoshop Elements palettes — and how to work with each. If you have no idea what a palette is or how to work with it, you should at least know that.
* You need to know the difference between raster images and vector images. It’s easy to get things wrong if you don’t understand the concept of an image.

## Conventions Used in This Book

To help you navigate this book, I’ve followed some conventions when it comes to the text. Here’s the lowdown on how to read this book and get the most out of it:

* I’ve kept the examples in this

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Can you do this on Photoshop?

The Process

Let’s create a new document and start adding some text.

Set the Type Tool to Monospaced Regular 12. Remember that the font you are using is semi-transparent so that it appears under the text. We can improve the grey text with the Gradient Stops tool and the Stroke feature.

You can now add some words and make it look better.

The process of making the composition look better is called:

Add an object that will help us create a composition.

In your composition, you can move and position the text box. Create new background layers.

Let’s remove the first white layer. We will use the Eraser Tool to darken the background a little.

We will now add some gradients to our text.

Let’s add a gradient on the text layer.

Click the gradient tool and drag it above the text.

Duplicate the selection of the gradient and drag it to the new layer. Create a new layer and fill it with a colour that matches the background of the text. Do not forget to select the new layer with Ctrl+A and check that Fill is set to 50% or 100%.

Change the Blend Mode of the text layer to Color.

Add a Gaussian blur to make it look less pixelated.

Change the colour to #6aa8a6.

Create a new layer and make the Gradient Overlay effect darker with the Gradient tool.

Drag the Gradient Overlay to the layer with the text.

Let’s add some highlights to the text using the Layer Style, Gaussian Blur, Inner Glow, and Bevel features.

Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Change the Gaussian Blur to 9 px.

Use the Inner Glow. Create a new layer. Select Linear Burn and adjust its intensity to 50.

Select the Shadow layer and change its Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Select the Shadow layer and change its Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Use the Inner Glow, lower the Opacity to 30%, and change the size to 5 px.

Duplicate the Shadow layer and change the Opacity to 80%.

Using the Bevel tool, add some sharp edges to the text.

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Supplementary information


Supplementary Information Peer Review File Description of Additional Supplementary Files Supplementary Movie 1 Supplementary Movie 2 Supplementary Movie 3 Supplementary Movie 4 Supplementary Movie 5 Supplementary Movie 6 Supplementary Movie 7 Supplementary Movie 8 Supplementary Movie 9 Supplementary Movie 10 Supplementary Movie 11 Supplementary Movie 12 Supplementary Movie 13 Supplementary Movie 14 Supplementary Movie 15 Supplementary Movie 16 Supplementary Movie 17 Supplementary Movie 18 Supplementary Movie 19 Supplementary Movie 20 Supplementary Movie 21 Supplementary Movie 22 Supplementary Movie 23

**Journal peer review information:** *Nature Communications* thanks Robert Fürthauer and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.

**Publisher’s note:** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

These authors contributed equally: Lin Xu, Yiwei Wang.

Supplementary information

**Supplementary Information** accompanies this paper at 10.1038/s41467-019-09506-y.

We thank Drs Xing Tan, Jiangliao Lin, and Karen Adelman for providing plasmids used in this study. We also thank Dr. Xiucun Liu and Dr. Xing Tan for critical reading of the manuscript and helpful discussions. This work was supported by a NIH grant (GM124941) and China Scholarship Council to W.Z.

L.X., Y.W., and W.Z. designed the research; Y.W. performed the experiments and analyzed the data; L.X. and Y.W. wrote the paper.

The raw data underlying the findings of this manuscript will be made available upon request by contacting the corresponding author.

Competing interests {#FPar1}

The authors declare no competing interests.

People v Bainter (2017 NY Slip Op 04666)

People v Bainter

2017 NY Slip Op 04666

Decided on June 15, 2017

Appellate Division, Second Department

Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.

This opinion is uncorrected and subject to revision before publication in the Official Reports.

Decided on June 15, 2017

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