
BOLT Programming [Updated] ⮞

BOLT Programming was built to be a simple and accessible programming language.
The languages was mainly designed to help beginning programmers understand difficult concepts such as those seen in BASIC, while maintaining power, speed, and portability as shown in C++.







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The BOLT Programming language combines simple, powerful syntax with an intense focus on clarity and flexibility.
The core language design is designed to be understood by beginning programmers, programmers for whom programming is a hobby, and people who are serious about learning to program.

The focus of the language is simplicity, and that simplicity is enforced by two design guidelines:

The only characters other than those used for the basic programming constructs in a programming language are those used to declare variables.
Instructions are given as collections of concatenated expressions.

Instructions begin with a declaration of a pre-processor symbol (foo, bar,…) and a colon (:), followed by a collection of expressions.

:bar bar, foo, # This is a multi-line comment
# with a colon
# and a newline.
# The text after the newline
# is ignored.
# The text that precedes the colon
# is the actual instruction.

bar (Variable definition): # This is a definition of a variable
# called “bar”

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BOLT Programming is a structured and laid out BASIC-like programming language intended to be as easy to learn as BASIC and powerful enough for any application.


The language was started when I started my personal programming project. It was meant to be taught in a school in USA. It is a single-step language, meaning it only allows for one statement at a time. It has some differences from BASIC, but it is a close enough substitute. The similarities and differences are listed below:

1) Single-step: BOLT supports only one statement at a time. This helps to simplify the language and allows for better readability and maintenance.
2) Maths and multithreaded version: BOLT has a maths library which includes functions that allow for better calculations.
Also, BOLT has a multi-threaded version for greater performance on single-core CPUs.
3) Inbuilt: BOLT has its own inbuilt file system module that allows for file manipulation on the fly, as well as the ability to create and delete directories.
4) Analogously to C++: BOLT supports operator overloading, which allows for more advanced code that is similar to high-level languages such as Java or C++.
Also, BOLT has some built-in functions that are analogous to C++’s basic functions, such as for loop, while loop,

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Language Development
BOLT Programming was developed as a way to help beginners learn programming. The language was built with BASIC concepts, but uses a different syntax. Users are told to “think in C++” when using BOLT Programming. The use of C++ concepts allows users to write code quickly without a large learning curve.

BOLT Programming has just a few features, but being built with C++, it is very powerful:

BOLT Programming is very powerful, being built on C++. It has the following features:

It can handle macros, which are very useful when an algorithm is slow or when you need to do programming in larger programs.

BOLT Programming provides an interchangable feature that allows users to export a program to run on a machine. This is useful when a program is to be shared or used on multiple machines.

BOLT Programming allows users to create an executable that does not need a “Standalone Linker” option, when creating the executable. This feature, from C++, prevents compilation errors.

BOLT C++ Terminology
This section is intended to be a brief guide on C++ terms and concepts used in BOLT Programming. The main purpose of this section is to explain simple C++ terms to those who have never used C++ before.

The following is a list of terms that BOLT Programming uses and their meaning:

#: Number of characters printed on an error message.
#include: Include a C++ statement in a file.
#include “File Name”: Include a C++ statement in a file. (Notice the “”. This doesn’t include a file name, but acts like the “file name” so it must be followed by a “”.)
#define: Define a constant in BOLT Programming.
#error: Print error message on the standard output.
#if: A conditional statement, useful for removing code when the statement is false.
#if 1==”foo”: A conditional statement that is not true.
#include “File Name”
: Include a statement in the following file.
#else: A statement that is not true.
#if 1==”foo”: A statement that is true.

What’s New In BOLT Programming?

BOLT Programming is intended to be an introductory language, based on C++. A team of engineers have spent over four years (not including development) creating BOLT Programming to solve many of the problems that beginners have when using BASIC and C++.

It is intended to be used by beginners and experienced programmers alike. Any programmer can learn to program BOLT without needing a background in basic programming. BOLT Programming is designed to emulate real-world programming. It requires minimal knowledge of the concept of pointers or classes to build simple programs with value reuse and powerful user-defined data types.
BOLT Programming Structure:

The main structure of BOLT Programming is a class called an Expression. An Expression represents a value and can be grouped with other expressions.

The class that groups the Expression is the Block. A block is a group of Expressions and can have function/method calls and variables declared in it. The structure of a block is as follows:
Block Structure:

Method Declaration
Method Call
Variable Declaration
Value Assignment

BOLT Programming Compatibility:

The BOLT Programming language is designed so that it can be used in any environment that is compatible with BASIC. The BOLT Programming language was designed to be compatible with most computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems, including all versions of Windows 2000, 2000 Pro, and Windows XP.

Language Recommendation:

BOLT Programming is easy to learn and the IDE
allows a novice programmer to quickly build
a working program.

Language Install:

The BOLT Programming language can be
downloaded free from package contains the.exe file, the
.txt file, and a README file

Language Requirements:

Microsoft Windows is required for
BOLT Programming.

Language Specifics:

All variables are declared with the
keyword var. All methods are
declared with the keyword method.
Variable Declaration:
name: Type
value: Expression


System Requirements:

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