
Desk Drives With Registration Code Free For PC







Desk Drives Crack + Free PC/Windows [Latest]

Desk Drives is a command line tool that allows you to open at a particular location a drive. The location is either a relative path, an absolute path or a UNC path.


Desk drives tasking is a tool that can be used to open explorer windows for a specific location and wait for a keypress. This is a simple tool, but it can be used to drive a lot of shell processes like:

Open a window for a specific location at start.
Open a window to log in at root.
Open a window to copy files to a location.
Open a window to select a location.

You can use the Desk drives tasking like this:

Start explorer.exe
Use this command: deskdrive.exe /open:”\\servername\folder\file.txt”
Once you have launched deskdrive, you can use the tasking like this: deskdrive.exe /wait


(Start explorer.exe)

“C:\Windows\explorer.exe” \\servername\folder\file.txt

(Launch deskdrive.exe)

“C:\Windows\explorer.exe” \\servername\folder\file.txt /wait

(Or launch deskdrive.exe /wait)


(Start explorer.exe)

“C:\Windows\explorer.exe” \\servername\folder\file.txt /wait

(Launch deskdrive.exe)

“C:\Windows\explorer.exe” \\servername\folder\file.txt


The “/open” argument is used to open a window at a specific location, with a specific folder/file to load/show.
The “/wait” argument is used to wait for a keypress before closing the window.
The “\\servername\folder\file.txt” is used to specify the absolute path of the file to be loaded.

Works the same way for UNC path and relative paths.

Desk drives is a free, open source program and its available on github.

The current version includes some bugs, for example when the /open argument is specified and the location is an UNC path, the window is always opened with the directory where deskdrive.exe is.

An unhandled exception of type ‘System.InvalidOperationException’ occurred

Desk Drives Crack + Free License Key [Win/Mac]

Edit: It’s now only a small program, and the ouput is hidden. I hope you like it. :]
If you want to see the keystrokes of a program, enable this flag.

This section is intended to be a simple tool for open explorer at root or as default. It was first only a test for checking out a programming component before release, but I found this “test app” usefull when manage a lot of drives on a lot of servers/clients and so on. So I add it here, maybe there’s someone else can have use for it.
Compiled on Wed Nov 9 09:54:35 CEST 2008 on x86-64 by “João Dias”

This file has been generated by an automated action.
This file is subject to automatic updates and the program must be kept in this
configuration file.

Desk Drives Free Download X64

There are a lot of programms and tools to open explorer at root/startup. The problem is, you want to open your explorer at every start as start menu.

You can open a “desk drive” via the ‘desk drives’ option in the start menu, which is nice.
But with a lot of “desktop drives” you end up having to do that on every start.

It’s an application that starts explorer at root.

First, you will need to have registry fixes for explorer. Then run Desk Drives, and activate it.

You will get a small ‘desk drive’ icon at your start menu, and you can start explorer with that desk drive.

This desk drive is only for explorer, so it’s not for browsing and maybe not useful for most, but it’s great for having explorer opened at every start.

My Exe’s Bin Folder:
C:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Desk Drives\Desk Drives.exe

(Make sure the path there is correct)

Desk Drives Login:
| ServerName | Desk Drives Login |

SERVERNAME is the name of the server where Desk Drives is installed.

When you have Desk Drives working, go to the Desk Drives server settings menu (right click the desktop icon and select properties).

Then select “Log In” and enter the “Desk Drives Login” above.

Desktop Icon Settings:
(First Set Permissions to allow exe to run as admin)

1. Right-click on the Desk Drives icon in your start menu, and select Properties.

2. Click the Security tab.

3. Click Advanced (Expand) in the bottom right.

4. Make sure the “this program is allowed to” checkbox is checked, and click OK.

If this works, be sure to give exe full permissions to run.

Hope this is a usefull start for you too.

Some screenshots of running the exe, when started by right clicking the desktop:
When started with the exe, it will

What’s New In?


The main functionalities for this tool:

– Check out all disk (c:\, d:\, e:\, f:\,…) at the same time, via Explorer at root and as default (useful when you have to launch a lot of explorer on the server)
– See all drives of the local machine and select one of them.
– Add some customize informations about the selected drive (for example the drive type (CD-ROM, Hard Drive), drive letter, drive or partition status…)
– The tool displays also a small menu bar with all the informations about the drive selected.

Technical information:

This tool has no menu bar, and no dialog box, instead it’s a way to manage all drives of the local machine and select one of them (by clicking on a given drive) and showing you the real informations about the selected drive.


This is a freeware, released under GNU General Public License (GPL). If you use my tool, you are agreeing to use my tool for free.


– The original idea was developed by Marcelo Timmerman, but he has left my team and I need to continue the project alone. So if you are interested in my version of the project, please send me an email.


– The idea comes from one of our servers (belonging to OCA) which I used to work on. So I give him my thanks.
– Thanks to all the great people who reviewed my tool and helped me to improve it.


– 07/18/2014: – Resize icon
– 04/02/2014: – Improved the “Keep for all” and “Remove drive” part
– 09/26/2012: – First release.


Simply right click on a drive in the explorer, and then select “Check out drive”, or select a drive and then select “Check out drive”.

Detailed informations:

– You need to add my tool to your PATH environment variable.
– This tool will always ask you if you want to add your selected drive as a permanent drive or a temporarily drive (temporary drive means “will be removed” when exit the computer).
– After you choose to add the drive as a temporary drive (with default), the selected drive will be permanently added to the explorer at root.
– If you select another drive, it will be a temporarily drive.
– In the explorer at root, the default drive is displayed as a c: and the other drives are displayed as “Unknown Device”.
– If you select a drive that you can’t see in the explorer at root, the tool will ask you what you want to do (for example “check

System Requirements:

Supported OS: Windows 10
Windows 10 Processor: Intel Core i5-2400, 2.4GHz or higher
Intel Core i5-2400, 2.4GHz or higher Memory: 4GB RAM (8GB or more preferred)
4GB RAM (8GB or more preferred) Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon RX 580 or higher. AMD graphics cards are recommended
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon RX 580 or higher. AMD graphics cards are recommended Hard disk: 32GB of space
32GB of space Sound:

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