
BuildCop Crack

The BuildCop application was designed to be a tool that analyzes MSBuild project files (interactively or during e.g. a daily build) according to a customizable set of rules and generates reports – e.g. is strong naming enabled, are certain project properties set correctly, is XML documentation being generated, are assembly references correct, are naming conventions respected.
BuildCop consists of a command-line tool and an XML configuration file. When the application is run, it will read the configuration file to figure out which files to analyze, which rules to run, and which reports to generate.
Basic usage looks as follows:
– Define the configuration file: this XML file determines the actions that BuildCop takes; see below for the details of the configuration file.
– Run the tool: this can be done interactively on the command-line or in an automated way, e.g. during a daily build.
– Open the report(s): the generated reports contain the results of the analysis and allow you to take appropriate actions to correct issues in MSBuild files; various reporting options (to the console, or to a XML, HTML or CSV file) are provided out of the box.
– Create additional rules and/or formatters: BuildCop is created with extensibility in mind, so if you would like to extend BuildCop to run additional rules or provide additional reporting formats, it’s quite easy to provide custom rules and formatters.







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In the following pages we will first present the text-based configuration file that describes how BuildCop should behave. We then describe how the configuration is used to run the tool, and provide a detailed description of the generated reports.
Config File:
The config file consists of two sections that describe the basic behavior of BuildCop:
– schemaSection – this section defines the rules that BuildCop will use to analyze MSBuild files.
– formatSection – this section contains two XML files, one for each type of report (console, XML, HTML, CSV) that BuildCop generates; these formatters use the rules defined in the schema section to find issues in the MSBuild project files.
Note: the order of the sections is important, the rules defined in the formatSection are used to format the results that are produced by the rules defined in the schemaSection.


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BuildCop is written in C++. When run by default, it will analyze XML files found in the MSBuild_ProjectFiles directory. These XML files must be in the following format (assuming configuration file name “BuildCop.xml”):

The file $/MSBuild_ProjectFiles/Microsoft.Build.Tasks.targets/import.xml was included.
The file $/MSBuild_ProjectFiles/Microsoft.Build.Tasks.targets/build.xml was included.
The project file was updated.
This project file appears to have been built correctly.

Additionally, BuildCop will look for non-vital MSBuild files (.csproj,.vbproj,.vsproj) in order to validate that MSBuild has been correctly installed.
Assuming the configuration file and the tool are installed, basic usage looks as follows:
In one of your MSBuild files, define the correct configuration file to use (e.g. BuildCop.xml), as follows:



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BuildCop is an extension to the default MSBuild toolchain. It adds an interactive and customizable tool that allows you to run a set of rules on MSBuild project files to determine if their configuration is correct. Each rule is given a certain form. The default form is as follows:
/ / /
For example the first rule might look like this:
/x.exe MyProject.sln /l*v:log.txt
where x.exe is the executable being invoked, MyProject.sln is the input file, and log.txt is the output file; the first argument specified is the command line, the second argument is an optional set of arguments that influence the execution, and the last argument is an optional name that will be printed to the console.
The configurator will call the executable program using a command line like this:
“C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\x.exe” MyProject.sln /l*v:log.txt
MyProject.sln is the filename of the MSBuild project.
/l*v:log.txt is the command line to use, where the filename of the log file to write to, and the filename with a colon and the extension of the log file are optional.
/l*v will write to console output.
The rules and their arguments are configurable, and a rule can be created that will do something based on the results of the other rules.
Creating Rules:
Just create a rule file in XML format in the same directory as BuildCop, and then configure the rule using the configurator.


/x.exe /noconsolelogger MyProject.sln /noconsolelogger

What’s New in the?

The configuration file and command-line tool are implemented with the Microsoft Build Engine. Other portions are implemented with the LinqPad.NET Framework console application, which was used to run unit-tests for this project.
This application works by analyzing the content of a MSBuild project file and then passes that content to relevant rule-sets.
Rules are implemented as ‘Ruleset Object Models’ (.NET Framework), where each rule is represented as an XML schema. For details about these object models, see the description of the configuration file.
A Rule needs to be registered in the configuration file before it can be used in the analysis of a MSBuild file. A Rule consists of various attributes (depending on the rule-type).
Some of these attributes, such as ‘Ruleset Name’, ‘Base Rule’, ‘Action On Match’, ‘Provider Tags’, and ‘Action On Non-Match’, are mandatory. Others are optional (e.g. is ‘Multiple’ set to ‘Yes’) or can be configurable.
Rules can have an associated ‘Format’ (to be used by ReportBuilder) or ‘Post Format’ (to be used by the XML generation). Some rules also provide ‘Metadata’ to be used in the XML documents they generate.
When a rule-set is registered, it will then be instantiated (if necessary) and installed into the MSBuild analysis engine, allowing it to be used during an analysis.
The difference between a standard Format and a Post Format is that a Post Format cannot be invoked until after the first rule has been fired, which means that it cannot be ‘post-cached’. Thus, in order to ensure that post-cached rules can use non-sensitive data, they must be given the’sensitive’ attribute. This means that this is a Post Format. A ‘Check’ is not sensitive.
Additional Information:
The XML configuration file defines:
– The names of the rules to use
– The names of the rule-sets and objects that will be used for each rule
– A list of Formatters and Post Formaters for each rule (and/or rule-set)
– Additional rules to be installed into the rule engine
– Additional objects to be displayed in the output (i.e. the report)
This application:
– Locates and reads the configuration file
– Analyzes MSBuild projects
– Generates reports based on the analysis
– Provides a set of interactive wizards (to walk you through the configurations

System Requirements For BuildCop:

PlayStation®4 system (Windows and Mac)
20 GB hard drive space
Internet connection and ability to download at least 2 GB per week
PlayStation®3 system (Windows)
All the latest updates for the game must be installed from the web site.
The game is not compatible with any game card that has been connected to your PlayStation®4 system in the previous 12 months.

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