
Any2Service [32|64bit] 📂


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Any2Service Free Download For PC

– Create a Windows Service.
– Service can be created from.exe,.com,.bat,.jar,.exe ini,.dll,.net,.exe C++,.sql script etc.
– Service can be created from remote computers using SSH/scp/sftp or FTPS/SFTP/SFTP/FTP.
– Service can be created from any of the above source files on the computer from which you want the service to be created.
– Service can be created with or without SSL/TLS.
– Service can be created with or without authentication (unauthenticated or authenticated)
– Service can be created with or without a GUI.
– Service can be configured to start with the computer or to start at user login
– Service can be disabled or enabled
– Service can be stopped or started.
– Service can be configured to stop only if a connection is made to the service or a file is created on the service path.
– Service can be restarted when a connection is made to the service.
– Service can be configured to automatically start at system startup
– Service can be added to startup or start-up folder.
– Service can be removed from startup or start-up folder.
– Service can be moved from startup folder to another folder.
– Service can be configured to run with admin rights or not (useful to prevent automatic access to a service).
– Service can be stopped and started manually.
– Service can be deleted or not.
– Service can be disabled or enabled.
– Service can be moved from startup folder to another folder.
– Service can be configured to run as a console application.
– Service can be configured to run automatically after a reboot.
– Service can be configured to run on specific host only.
– Service can be configured to use a configuration file or not.
– Service can be configured to use a configuration file which can be created or loaded from a folder or it can be read only from a folder.
– Service can be configured to use a configuration file which can be created or loaded from the source file of the service or it can be read only from the source file of the service.
– The user can be specified to run the service.
– Service can be configured to start with current user or with specific user.
– Service can be configured to only run with specific user.
– Service can be configured to run with

Any2Service Crack +

1. Create the service in a known directory
2. Create the service with a given name
3. Create the service using the specified service type
4. Install the service
5. Uninstall the service
6. Run the specified script for uninstall
7. Run the specified script for startup
8. Start the service
9. Stop the service
10. Restart the service
11. Log the service
12. List the services
13. Delete the service
14. Modify the service
15. Get the Service information
16. Change service settings (specify a different service name, location, type, etc.)
17. Create a new service
18. Manually install the service (must restart the computer for the new service to show up)
19. Manually uninstall the service (must restart the computer for the new service to show up)
20. Show the Event Viewer for that day
21. View the Event Viewer for a particular day
22. View the Event Viewer for any given day
23. Manually update the Event Viewer for any day
24. Reset the Event Viewer to the default configuration
25. Browse the Event Viewer
26. Kill all services
27. Restart all services
28. Reset all services
29. Resume all suspended services
30. Suspend all services
31. Restore all services
32. Shutdown all services
33. Restart all services
34. Resume all services
35. Suspend all services
36. Start all services
37. Install all services
38. Uninstall all services
39. Delete all services
40. Show the event log for a given day
41. Show all event log entries
42. Reset the event log to the default configuration
43. Rebuild the event log
44. Manually update the event log
45. Enable event logging for a given day
46. Disable event logging for a given day
47. Reset event logging for all days
48. Enable/disable event logging for a particular day
49. Change a specific event log configuration
50. Reset a specific event log configuration
51. List the event log records in the specified log
52. Delete the log
53. Manually restart the computer
54. Manually shutdown the computer
55. Manually suspend the computer
56. Manually hibernate the computer
57. Manually switch to “sleep” mode (h

Any2Service With Serial Key [Updated-2022]

1) Utilizes the existing functionality of the LocalService tool (see below) with the addition of the “system” parameter. Allows you to create a windows service from any type of executable. (requres admin rights)
2) Creates a service based on a pre-made template (based on the LocalService.cs script).
3) Allows you to add or modify parameters for the service.
4) Allows you to edit registry entries for the service.
5) Allows you to start the service using the sc command (sc start servicename).
6) Allows you to stop the service using the sc stop command.
7) Allows you to start the service using the sc start command.
8) Allows you to stop the service using the sc stop command.
Utilizing the existing LocalService tool (see below) is a two step process.
First you have to create a batch file using the LocalService tool. The LocalService tool will then put the batch file you created in a specific location (defined by you) where you can then choose to start the service using the sc command.
The second step is to create a windows service, by hand, and modify the generated batch file to start the service.

A “batch file” is any type of executable file (.exe,.com,.bat, etc.).
It is the local version of the LocalService tool.
The “LocalService.bat” script is a batch file that is used to create a windows service when it is run using the “cmd” command.
The LocalService.bat script contains the following lines of code:
@echo off
sc start “” %1

Here is what the service is created:
You can either run the LocalService.bat script locally, or remotely on another computer or server. If you run the LocalService.bat script on a remote server, the following entries are added to the registry for the service (including the [path] parameter which points to the file you will be using to run the service):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService]
“Description”=Local Service

-Additionally the following registry key is added for the service:

What’s New in the?

Create Windows Service Utility is a utility which creates a Windows Service from any type of executable file. The created service is named the name of the executable file (.exe) that you used to create the service. You can create services either on your local computer or on a remote computer or server. If you create the service on your local computer it will run locally; if you create the service on a remote computer, it will run on a remote machine.

This utility is particularly useful for creating services that you want to run periodically, for example: creating scheduled tasks.


Use the utility in two ways: either create services on your local machine, or create services on remote machines or servers.

To create services on your local computer, run the utility and specify the name and location of the executable file that you want to use as a service. The name of the service and the location of the executable file are both displayed on the dialog box.

To create services on a remote machine or server, run the utility and specify the name and location of the executable file that you want to use as a service. The name of the service and the location of the executable file are both displayed on the dialog box. The remote machine or server should have the rights required to run the executable file.

A local or remote computer cannot have two services running at the same time. For example, if you create a service on a local computer that the computer also runs another service from, the new service will not run until the other service has stopped. This is because the service utility creates an entirely new window in the system (which is needed to run the service) and deletes the window that was created by the previous service. If you want to run a service on a remote computer, you must have the rights required to run that executable file on that computer.

The executable file that you use to create the service should be an executable file that you want to run periodically. The executable file can be any type of executable file (.exe,.com,.bat,.lnk).

When you create a service, a copy of the executable file is created in the system, with the name of the executable file.

For example, if you run the utility and specify that you want to use a.exe file as a service, a copy of that.exe file will be created in the system, and the service name will be the name of that.exe file.

This is similar to what happens when you create a scheduled task on a remote computer, where a copy of the executable file is created, and the name of the executable file that you specified is the name of the service that you created.


While you are running the utility, it will create two temporary files: one named “Winserv.tmp” and the other named “Winserv.exe”. The service name

System Requirements For Any2Service:

Windows 10 (64bit only)
Intel i3, i5, i7 (64bit only)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675/Intel HD Graphics 4000 or AMD HD 7870
Mac OS X 10.9 or later
1024 x 768 or higher resolution
Processor 2.4GHz or faster
External Display or Multi-Monitor
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