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Code Level B20 Catia Download

the level of protection at nyp is somewhat lower than that of shanghai, with a flood level of about 10.1 m. the buffering capacity of this level of protection is rather limited compared to shanghai, and only a few small islands are protected. sandy was a rare event compared to storms that have occurred in the past.

the national flood risk management strategy of china has emphasized the integration and coordination of potential schemes, including land reclamation, ocean sand dune project, water storage, and hydropower generation and wind power generation (li et al., 2004 47 ). a cumulative risk assessment of these systems has shown that the capacity of these systems has the potential to reduce risks to 0.007 annual chance of extreme to 23% of the annual chance of major disasters (hao and chen, 2017 489 ). it is suggested that more complex arrangements (such as interactive functions between different systems) should be included to achieve the objective of effective and efficient adaptation. the limited spatial and long time scale considerations in the sequential design stage of the urban coastal adaptation project were insufficient to address the dynamics of dynamic coastal flooding and the needs of interactive functions.

chapter 5 explores the sea level response of the global oceans, and detailed regional assessments of the consequences of slr in different sectors. sea levels are higher at present than during the holocene period (see chapter 2). the holocene period has been divided into three warm intervals, lasting for each about 1.5 to 12 kyr, separated by two colder intervals lasting approximately 27 and 73 kyr, with a brief interval dominated by ice-rafted debris around 65 kyr. sea level during the holocene was clearly highest in the warmest intervals, which are generally associated with either the anthropogenic greenhouse gas signature or the great solar maxima, the latter of which may be associated with evidence for ice albedo feedback driven by snow cover in greenland and antarctic ice sheets, as indicated by albedo modelling of the southern ocean and data from south america (püssa et al., 2018 811 ). the holocene sea level record at the north atlantic indicates an average rate of sea level rise of approximately 3 mm/yr (church et al., 2013 787 ), although it probably varied as much as +/-5mm/yr (church et al., 2013 787 ). thus, the present-day sea level rise of approximately 1.9 m is more than the global average, although it is lower than the rate of sea level rise in the late 20th century, when satellite altimetry revealed that a new era of potentially non-linear sea level rise occurred. {cross-chapter box 5 in chapter 1, 10.2.1, 10.3.2, 10.3}

in the case of natural systems, we also need to account for the different signals embedded in the multiple data sets, and how they may interact to make interpretation more complex. for example, the frequency of extreme rain events has increased in recent decades, but the rate of slr in both the antarctic ice sheet and the greenland ice sheet remains unchanged over the past few decades. similarly, the rate of sea level rise has not been significantly altered in recent decades, but ice sheet-induced sea level rise has increased. finally, sea level rise is not the only factor affecting coastal water levels; for example, extreme precipitation events and storm surges are expected to intensify in the future. understanding the differences and interactions between these signals is crucial to being able to use the different sources of data to make accurate projections of slr impacts. the different forms of data (e.g., satellite, tide gauge, global atmospheric reanalysis data, model based, and hydrological data) are also becoming more plentiful over time (griffies et al., 2013 867 ). this is, however, a challenge to extract slr impacts as the signals embedded in multiple datasets are becoming more difficult to decipher.
almost all of the available scientific literature (table 1) relates to modern changes in rsl in response to anthropogenic influences. these changes are very large, at rates up to several centimeters per year. however, the rate of these changes has been increasing for at least the past century (huenneke et al., 2014 43-1 ). in contrast, the geological processes that underpin observed rates of vlm, other than subsidence, are mostly unknown. viscous processes could contribute to the rate of sea level rise around the globe (medium confidence), but are in most cases highly uncertain (very low confidence) (kovats, 2016 42-1 ). less well understood processes that cause rate changes include dynamically-driven changes in near-surface stresses, and changes in the distribution of water mass between the sea, land and ice reservoirs (table 1).

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