
The Why ?


I just finished a personal mail to a friend and in it I said of this blog, “I intend  to document the fall of the republic … “

Only three weeks ago the thought of me blogging was not even on the radar. Who cares what I think? Doesn’t everyone see this for what it is? I’m too busy to try to get involved. I’ll just keep the gun handy.

I suppose I was in my own little conspiracy bubble, saying ‘I told you so’ to whoever might listen. But I did not start this thing just to be a self righteous, arrogant asshole. I hate bloggers! I don’t need a blog to continue my life just as I have lived it for 62 years. I’m too old to be egotistical. I don’t care any more. My generation is about to retire. If anyone needs a rocking chair, let me know.

No. I started this because I am sick and tired. It is time for we the people to take a stand. I started this for the younger folks who, as children, lived through 911, the great recession, the real estate crater, and the complete takeover of the schools. I am writing because I feel so strongly that you have been cheated. Cheated of honesty, opportunity, and voice.

I am writing this because it is the only thing I can think to do. The most influential people in my life were all in the military and I cannot express how grateful I am and how much I have learned from them. My passion for history is rooted in a childhood desire to understand what I was watching in the 1960s.

My generation will not pay this bill. Oh, a bit of it on the front end maybe. But the real disaster lays years in the future. Our grandchildren will suffer most. And it is the younger generation of today that will decide this turning point in history.

There is only the slightest chance we can correct the course of history in the coming few years. It’s a long shot, and as I will continue to promote, it all begins with what we say we believe in and what we are willing to do about it.

The information coming in concerning the election is just as I said it would be over a week ago now. The earth is quaking.

I had no idea then that so many different irregularities would be found. Many of us saw big trouble with the mail in ballot policies. (not to mention the voting machines and software) But I don’t think anyone anticipated the breadth and scope of this horrible crime. They have robbed us all of our constitutional right to be HEARD. Who can believe anything at this point?

I will not outline the details. I am not an expert, simply a man of common sense and life experience. I have paid attention and studied history in some detail. But you must do your own deep homework if you care to know the truth. I am merely a voice in the wilderness, crying… no swearing … no screaming at the top of my lungs. The communists are coming!

I have been accused of being a conspiracy nut, a right winger, a Trump guy, even a Fox News nut job. The only one of those that is true is the conspiracy one. I believe in conspiracies because I have seen them.

They take the vote before the meeting. They plan the move before they set the stage. They create the circumstances necessary for the Coup d’état far in advance. The general stages the battlefield. This is the diabolical nature of man and just because YOU are an innocent, relatively honest human being does not mean the rest of us are. Maybe I am lucky. I am a bastard by nature. I have seen the devil in me and am fully aware of what I am capable of. It scares me to death.

As a student of philosophy I can say with certainty that it usually takes 100 years or so for a new philosophical thought to become manifest within a society. Most people do not realize they are acting out a way of life conceived a century gone by. But it is true; and while I cannot prove it empirically for my daughter’s sake, I have read it in many analysis papers over the years. If you can find one, ask an honest philosopher. Not a professor of philosophy! A REAL philosopher.

The Communist Manifesto (please read) clearly outlines how to overthrow an existing government. Some claim Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said circa 1959: “We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism.” This of course is disputed by Progressives everywhere. But what difference does it make? Is this not what we lived through in the 1970s, 80s, 90s? The conspiracy was real then and it is coming to fruition now. China is the power this time however, Russia a mere ally.

President Kennedy, a democrat and a patriot warned us against Russian aggression. He even risked nuclear war in order not to be manipulated by missiles in Cuba. At the time, some called him reckless, so they killed him. But that democrat had courage and a firm sense of what is right and what is wrong. History rewarded him for it. If only we had democrats like that today!

This week you are witnessing the absolute corruption of our voting system on a scale that the Romans would be proud of. It is so blatant, so huge, so all encompassing that you don’t want to believe it. Some judges are part of it, some not. Some politicians are, some not. Some voters are, some not. You can never tell the enemy when he looks like you. This is the classic problem in any war. Where is he?

He / she is in China and the USA. He is in Europe and Russia and South America. He is in Cuba and Venezuela, North Korea, all across the globe. He works for Google and Facebook and Intel. He is a CEO, a bureaucrat, an intern, a student. He went to Yale and so he thinks he is qualified to dictate to others. Our enemy is anyone who thinks that he should make the rules for others, but not be subjected to them himself. Our enemy intends to take your hard earned property. Some are merely sheep. The leadership are wolves.

Don’t listen to the pundits as they assassinate someone’s character. Listen to the real people, the witnesses. More and more are coming forward, risking their well being to do so. These people will go down in history one way or another. These people are heroes.

To be sure, the real culprits are hiding. Most likely they are the people yelling the loudest, “This was the fairest election ever.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

We are in the upside down, Bizarre O World. We have been lied to for years. The first casualty in any war is truth. So ask yourself, “When did this war begin?”

I will soon be setting up a “History” section in addition to the blog. Please excuse the formatting crudeness. We launched too soon. But it couldn’t wait. I panicked. It’s worse than I thought.

If ever you want removed from the list, just email Tommy Pain. I’ll gladly do it.

more mail in votes counted than sent out

lost votes

changed votes

multiple statistical anomalies, graphs that defy explanation

more eye witnesses coming forward as courage grows

judges and politicians fearing for careers and melting under the pressure

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