
Portable Ken Rename Download

Taking an abundance of pictures on a trip surely means you sooner or later transfer them to your PC. However, associated names might make them difficult to spot, and this can be the case with any collection of similar files. To help out, Portable Ken Rename comes with a powerful set of tools for complete, custom file renaming.
Advantages of a portable app
As the name clearly points out, this is the edition of Ken Rename which you don’t have to install in order to use. This provides a great deal of flexibility, making it possible to have it stored and carried around on a thumb drive in case you need to use it on other computers. Registry entries are not modified, unless you opt to integrate it in the context menu, but even so, no impact is delivered to system stability.
The visual design can feel a little confusing at first, but accommodation doesn’t take more than a simple overview of features. All renaming methods are stored in tabs. Each comes with particular sets of options, and can mean macro, replace, change case, remove, insert, script, code page, or decode.
Set multiple actions and filters
Renaming rules only take part of the main window, with the rest being a dedicated file explorer, fitted with a tree list of all folders, and a detailed table of files, showing current and new name, state, and parent folder. You can choose to also process files inside all subfolders, or even target folders themselves.
More rules can be configured to include archives, hidden files, folders, system files, as well as those fitted with the read only attribute. Filters can also be used to include and exclude custom files by extension.
You’re free to add more actions, with the preview area neatly highlighting the new name. Dedicated tools can be used to process according to EXIF data, or event MP3 tags. You can save configuration profiles for easier management later on, and even load Visual Basic scripts for complex renaming scenarios.
On an ending note
In conclusion, Portable Ken Rename is a fully-fledged renaming tool which is sure to help you add the right name to an abundance of files and folders at a time. Custom profiles can be created and saved, while the variety of methods and actions to configure are sure to make the whole experience worth the effort.







Portable Ken Rename 2.6.14 Crack + Free Download [Mac/Win]

Portable Ken Rename is a portable renaming app that can work with any Windows system without needing a third-party installation. It combines several functions that help you rename several files at the same time, manage multiple subfolders, and add new file names to existing files.

Portable Ken Rename has various renaming functions that will allow you to create new names for several files at the same time.

You can select several files at once in order to process them all at once.

You can also select many files to rename them. In this case, rename multiple files to a file based on text (new name, script, or macro).

You can also specify whether the renaming is case sensitive or insensitive.

* All actions can be performed in batch, by selecting all files or individual files.

* All options are performed in the batch mode.

* All actions can be performed based on file status (read-only, hidden, system files, archives, etc.).

* You can add several actions to perform specific operations on a large number of files at once.

* You can select files in a tree view to rename them.

* You can rename the files using the existing method, new method, script, code page, etc.

* You can specify a set of filters.

* You can save the renaming settings as a profile to use them on other files and folders.

* You can save the renaming settings as a Visual Basic script to use on other files.

* All the files are organized in the file explorer and the details of all files are displayed in the table.

* The preview box shows the new name and the existing file path.

* Filters can be applied to all files and folders.

* You can view all the metadata of the file, such as the file size, creation and modification date, author name, etc.

* You can use many other functions that make the renaming more useful and simpler.

What’s New in Portable Ken Rename 4.0:
* You can add missing files by selecting them individually.

* You can add new actions to perform a specific operation on a large number of files.

* You can add multiple actions to perform a specific operation on a large number of files.

* You can modify and add a new function to existing actions.

* You can

Portable Ken Rename 2.6.14 Crack+ License Keygen X64

Given the limitations of portable applications, there are many that are bigger than necessary, inefficient, and haven’t been updated for a long time. Portable Ken Rename Download With Full Crack wants to change all that.
Find yourself going on trips and needing to load a bunch of files on your PC but then realizing you can’t find a certain file ever again? Well, Portable Ken Rename Full Crack is here to help. Portable Ken Rename Crack Keygen allows you to re-name your files, folders, archives, scripts, and others with ease. You can also create highly customized settings for every aspect of your renaming rules.
Top features:
• Customize each method with ease.
• Manage the re-naming rules in a separate window.
• Create a customized profile to save your rules.
• Integrate Portable Ken Rename Full Crack to the context menu.
• Create multi-line settings with the many advanced methods.
• Preview and confirm re-naming with ease.
• Export in batch mode.
• Load scripts for complex renaming conditions.
• Set a file backup system.
• Print your settings.
• Enforce file permissions in batch mode.
• Add another action to each filter group.
• Re-name a series of files.
• Re-name a series of folders.
• Load a customized settings file.
• Convert the file to a BMP image.
• Re-name multiple files or folders.
• Enable/Disable the compact format.
• Rename a series of files.
• Pre-name files in a folder.
• Re-name files or folders.
• Re-name a bunch of files or folders.
• Re-name files by folders or by the name of the folder.
• Re-name files by extension.
• Re-name files by file attributes.
• Re-name files by EXIF tags.
• Re-name files by tags from other MP3 files.
• Manage multiple files at the same time.
• Re-name a series of folders.
• Detect file types.
• Convert files to a BMP image.
• Re-name files by dates.
• Re-name files by Batch Renamer.
• Re-name files by the date.
• Re-name files by the date and Batch Renamer.
• Re-name files by the time.
• Re-name files by the time and

Portable Ken Rename 2.6.14 Patch With Serial Key

Have you ever thought of taking a trip without the need to take all your important and money saving notes with you? If you make it a habit of organizing all your stuff, then we recommend that you try the program FreeOffice Notes. While this is nothing new, this program is here to bring you only the best solution, ever! This is a useful program that provides you with all you need to run on your computer. This handy and user-friendly program can save all your personal information into the program. Some of the main features of this program include PDF, Text, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and so much more. If you want to benefit from this program then you need to get a copy of it now! With FreeOffice Notes, you can easily create your personal notes and export them into.txt,.rtf, Excel,.odt, and many more files. It features all the tools needed to create and edit documents. FreeOffice Notes allows you to view all your notes like.docx,.html,.rtf and so on in a single PDF file. Another great feature is the drag and drop feature! This lets you import PDF files and move them to other folders. This program can be downloaded for free from the developer’s website at In this program, you can save all your notes into a single place which makes all your data organized.

As you can see, you can see the table of contents is not formatted, but if you look closer you can see that the category “Colors” is highlighted when you mouse over it. Now the only thing that has to be done is to click on the “Change Table of Contents Fonts…” button.

This will bring up a window with two text boxes, the first one is where you type in the font size you want, and the second is where you type the text you want the table of contents to contain.

Make sure you use a font that is more spacious than the one used by your text editor.

Click Apply button, or if you want you can also click “Close” in the top right corner.

Next, in Fonts folder, click on the “Colors” folder, and then click on the “Customize” button.

Select the “Table of Contents” from the drop-down menu.

Double click on the “

What’s New in the Portable Ken Rename?

After upgrading my Home Premium Ultimate to Win 7 Ultimate, Portable Ken Rename cracked file renaming tool is a completely new event to me. This file renaming utility comes packed with lots of easy to use options & tools to give you the best results possible. All you need to use the Portable Ken Rename effectively is just have a thumb drive and have it on your system. As soon as you upgrade to Win7 Ultimate, & running Portable Ken Rename for the first time, you can see a GUI with a few good looking tabs:
Tools – contains most of the tools you need to use the Portable Ken Rename effectively; Macros, replace, change case, etc.
Rules – contains the rules that you can use to match files.
Macros – contains Macros to select file name and replace it by using regular expression.
Advanced Options – contains all the advanced options for the Portable Ken Rename like, rename with transparent background, select a particular file, load a preset profile, save a profile, and so on.
When you run Portable Ken Rename for the first time, you can select the rules you want to use and the file types you want to process. After you selected the rules and file types, you can see the preview of what the Portable Ken Rename will do to the file and folder name. To apply the rules and file types, you need to select the Tools tab, select the particular tool that you need and click the apply button.
Usage of this tool is very simple, just unzip the Portable Ken Rename file, and run the application to see the GUI. You can also use the command line for the use of Portable Ken Rename. You can execute the following command line to process your selected files/folder using the Portable Ken Rename:
C:\>C:\Ken Rename\kenrename.exe [–process-all] [–process-macro] [–process-replace] [–process-script] [–process-decode] [–process-file-info] [–process-imagemagic] [–process-event-tags] [–process-imagemagic]
The above command line can be used to process all the selected files/folder only. If you want to process files/folder only, then use the following command line:
C:\>C:\Ken Rename\kenrename.exe [–process-macro] [–process-replace] [–process-

System Requirements For Portable Ken Rename:

Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz or faster (2 cores are recommended for software optimisation)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX or ATI Radeon HD 4870
Hard Drive: 10 GB
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 50 MB available space required to install game
Other: Net code is recommended.
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