
AutoCAD 2023 24.2 Crack With Key Free [Latest 2022]







AutoCAD 2023 24.2 Crack + Download For Windows [2022]

Today, the typical AutoCAD user, with around 15 years of experience, is likely to employ the software to create 2D drawings. If you are new to CAD and the AutoCAD program, read my basic intro to CAD tutorial.

AutoCAD goes way beyond a basic CAD program. It offers integrated version control, workflow management, engineering graphics, and data management and is designed to support the needs of architects, contractors, and other engineering design professionals. It can be used to create 2D drawings, 2D and 3D models, BIM models, and even construction documents.

AutoCAD also offers an integrated suite of applications that support 3D design. The applications range from the modeling tools, 3D drawing tools, rendering tools, animation tools, and production tools. As you can imagine, the capabilities of AutoCAD are quite extensive and will keep you busy for months.

What are the features of AutoCAD?

Different features of AutoCAD are listed in Table 1. Note that not all features are available in all editions.

Table 1: Features of AutoCAD

The typical features of AutoCAD are listed in Table 2. Note that not all features are available in all editions.

Table 2: Typical features of AutoCAD

AutoCAD Core

Autodesk’s basic application, AutoCAD Core is available in either desktop or cloud versions.

AutoCAD Advanced

This is a stand-alone version of AutoCAD that includes the integrated suite of applications. It is available in desktop, cloud, mobile, and web versions.


This is a fully integrated suite of applications that are accessible from the AutoCAD client (AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD LT SP, and AutoCAD WS) or the AutoCAD server. It supports the creation of a wide range of engineering drawings.


This is a mobile and web-based version of AutoCAD, a standalone version of AutoCAD, and a standalone version of AutoCAD AutoSHOP.


These are a standalone versions of AutoCAD and AutoCAD AutoSHOP. Note that AutoCAD WS (which is a Web Edition) is a free-of-charge option that only supports 2D drawing creation.

AutoCAD 2023 24.2 Free Download

See also
AutoCAD Architecture
AutoCAD Electrical
AutoCAD Environmental
AutoCAD Civil 3D
AutoCAD Map 3D
AutoCAD JavaScript API
AutoCAD Viewer for Web
Microsoft Excel
Google Spreadsheet


Further reading

Category:Technical communication tools
Category:Computer programming tools
Category:2003 software
Category:XML software
Category:3D graphics softwareQ:

Selecting a value from an array not working in an oracle database

I am trying to select a value from an array. When running the query in SQL developer it works, but when running it in a java program it returns a null value. I think it might be because I am not passing the array properly to the database.
I am using a PreparedStatement, which is being passed an array to the java program. The java program then loops through the array and builds a PreparedStatement to select the value that I need.
The array being passed to the program is
String[] array = {“Bob”, “Cindy”, “Mike”};

and the query is

I need to know what customer ID the first value corresponds to.


Java will always pass strings as UTF-8, while Oracle will do conversion from that to the internal representation used in the database (UTF-8 to UCS-2/SJIS, the internal representation).
That’s probably why it works with SQL Developer.
I suggest, that you force Oracle to treat strings as UCS-2/SJIS in your java program, using

You can change this to the internal representation, but that is totally different, because if you change it, you will have to switch the JDBC driver.
You can also try to convert the array to a string and then pass the string to Oracle:
String result = new String(array);
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(“SELECT * FROM TBL_

AutoCAD 2023 24.2 For PC

Go to File->New->Autodesk;
After that, click on Autodesk keygen option;
Next, select Autodesk keygen category;
Click on Autodesk keygen download link;
After download, install the Autodesk keygen.

Open the Autodesk keygen, go to Software->CAD->Autodesk;
Press Generate;
After that, click on OK;
Follow the on screen instructions.

What is Autodesk?

Autodesk is a brand name of various software designed by the American company, Autodesk. It is the first company ever to own and sell CAD software. Autodesk is renowned for making 3D modelling software. In the 2 decades of its existence, Autodesk has produced products in numerous categories, including mechanical, architectural, architectural, construction, product lifecycle, infrastructure, energy and environmental design, manufacturing, electrical and mechanical engineering.


Category:Microsoft OfficeArchives for August 2008

All TIPfans, Jocke and I have been a bit sick recently, but we’ve just made some good progress in the clinic.

Jocke started learning Swedish on her own, which of course is rather slow progress. When the conversation with a doctor started, however, there was a rapid change in the speed of Jocke’s progress: I noticed that she was able to quickly get a grasp of what the doctors said and then express this in her own words. This is great progress, but I wonder if it was the fact that the doctors spoke Swedish as well as Jocke and I didn’t. The case is a bit different with Jocke when it comes to Finnish, which is one of her native languages. This has been quite evident from the start. So, in conclusion, I think that speaking with doctors is a great way to quickly improve, even when you’re with foreign language and/or culture.

This is a bit more of a disclaimer than I expected from me, but here goes… I’ve read that other people consider TIP to be a “fringe” language site, due to the fact that the majority of our subscribers and comments are from native English speakers. At the same time, there are probably more native English speakers than there are Polish or Spanish speakers. There are good reasons for this and the same thing may apply to

What’s New in the?

New 3D modeling and Revit integration

You can now add entire rooms, basements, etc. to your drawings, directly from Revit.

You can create models in Revit and import them into your drawings using the AutoCAD drawing engine. (video: 3:37 min.)

From your Revit models, you can start a drawing. When you open your Revit drawing in AutoCAD, you are connected to the Revit model, and you can update the drawing with the changes in the Revit model. You can open a project that has your Revit model in it, and every change that you make in the Revit model is reflected in the AutoCAD drawing. (video: 3:52 min.)

You can also export your Revit drawing to CADX format. Now, you can open and edit your Revit drawing using the CADX format. (video: 3:55 min.)

Revit can use more than one CADX format. For example, you can export to AutoCAD DWG (and edit it with AutoCAD) and then export to LTN format. You can import the LTN drawing into a project that has CADX format in it. (video: 4:28 min.)

Axis Project and more multiproject options

You can create new drawing layouts by setting Axis and Tag Project properties to different values. (video: 3:37 min.)

Also, you can create new layouts using an existing layout. For example, you can create a new layout using the default layout from Microsoft Word. And then you can change a few of the properties and save it as a new layout. You can create a new layout, and you can use that layout for other projects as well. (video: 3:37 min.)

Axis and Tag Project property reference:

You can check and uncheck properties for axis and tag project. If you don’t check a property, it won’t be saved when you save a new project.

Axis/Tag Project properties:

You can edit an existing or new layout, or create a new layout from an existing or new layout.

Copy/Paste Layout properties:

You can select a layout from a project and then paste it into another project. You can also paste a layout from the same project into another project. And you can paste a layout from a different

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Supported OS:
Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
2.0 GHz processor
Hard Disk:
10 GB free space
CD-ROM drive
Video card:
ATI RADEON X1600, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 or above
Other Requirements:
Internet connection required to download patches and unlock the game.
Please note

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