
Virgin’s Protection Magic Walkthrough

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# Virgin’s Protection Magic Walkthrough: A Complete Guide for RPG Fans If you are looking for a fun and challenging RPG game with a unique twist, you might want to check out Virgin’s Protection Magic. This game is a fantasy adventure where you play as a young witch named Virgin, who has a special ability to cast powerful spells using her virginity. However, this also means that she has to avoid being defiled by the many monsters and enemies that lurk in the world. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive walkthrough of the game, covering the main story, the side quests, the secrets, and the tips and tricks to make your gameplay easier and more enjoyable. We will also explain how to use Virgin’s Protection Magic, which is a key feature of the game that can help you overcome various obstacles and enemies. ## Prologue The game starts with a prologue where you learn the basics of the game mechanics and the backstory of Virgin. You will also encounter your first enemy, a Barrow Wight, who will try to rape you. To defeat him, you will need to use your Flame Arrow spell, which you can cast by using an Ointment of Fire. You will also learn how to use your virgin’s protection magic, which is a shield that protects you from damage and status effects. You can activate it by using a White Sand item. After defeating the Barrow Wight, you will receive a letter from your mentor Gwendolyn, who tells you to go to Geo City and enroll in the Academy of Magic. She also warns you about the dangers of losing your virginity and tells you to be careful. ## Act 1 In Act 1, you will arrive at Geo City and meet various characters who will help you or hinder you in your quest. You will also explore different locations and face different enemies and challenges. Some of the main events and quests in Act 1 are: – Meeting Branwen, a friendly witch who runs an herb shop and teaches you how to make potions and ointments. – Enrolling in the Academy of Magic and meeting Esmeralda, a snobby witch who becomes your rival. – Finding out about the panties thief who has been stealing women’s underwear in the city. – Investigating the mysterious factory where Enoch Drebber, a famous inventor and magician, works. – Fighting against Nuckelavee, Blooming Stalker, Fuath, and other monsters that roam around the Road to Royal Capital. – Learning new spells and recipes from various sources. ## Act 2 In Act 2, you will continue your adventure and discover more secrets and mysteries about the world and yourself. You will also face more powerful enemies and bosses. Some of the main events and quests in Act 2 are: – Meeting Lancelot, a handsome knight who becomes your love interest. – Finding out about the Witch Queen of the Black Robes, who is plotting to destroy the world with her dark magic. – Traveling to different regions such as the Forest of Illusions, the Swamp of Despair, the Mountain of Fire, and the Castle of Darkness. – Fighting against Gorgon, Hydra, Dragon, and other legendary creatures that guard the Witch Queen’s domains. – Learning more about your origin and destiny as the chosen one who can stop the Witch Queen. ## Tips and Tricks Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your gameplay and enjoy Virgin’s Protection Magic more: – Save often. The game has an autosave feature that saves your progress every time you enter a new area or complete a quest. However, it is still advisable to save manually before entering a dangerous area or fighting a boss. You can save by using a Save Crystal item or by accessing a Save Point in certain locations. – Use items wisely. Items are very useful in this game as they can heal you, restore your MP, enhance your spells, activate your virgin’s protection magic, or provide other benefits. However, items are also limited and expensive, so you should use them wisely and sparingly. You can buy items from shops or make them yourself by using recipes and ingredients that you find or loot from enemies. – Experiment with different spells. Spells are your main way of attacking enemies and solving puzzles in this game. You can learn new spells by leveling up or by finding scrolls or books that teach them. You can also enhance your spells by using ointments that add different effects such as fire, ice, lightning, etc. You should experiment with different spells and ointments to find out what works best for each situation. – Avoid losing your virginity. Losing your virginity in this game has serious consequences as it will weaken your spells and make you more vulnerable to enemies. You can lose your virginity by being raped by enemies or by having sex with Lancelot (which is optional). You can avoid losing your virginity by using items such as White Sand or Flower Ointment that activate your virgin’s protection magic or by escaping from enemies before they defile you. You can also restore your virginity by using items such as Virgin’s Sigh or Goddess of Love that heal your hymen. We hope this walkthrough has been helpful for you and that you have fun playing Virgin’s Protection Magic. If you have any questions or feedback about this article or the game itself, please let us know in the comments below.

## Act 3 In Act 3, you will reach the final stage of your adventure and confront the Witch Queen of the Black Robes in her castle. You will also have to make some important choices that will affect the outcome of the game and your relationship with Lancelot. Some of the main events and quests in Act 3 are: – Meeting Merlin, a powerful wizard who knows the truth about the Witch Queen and your origin. – Finding out that the Witch Queen is actually your mother and that she wants to use your virginity to unleash a dark god that will destroy the world. – Deciding whether to join the Witch Queen or fight against her. – Fighting against the Witch Queen and her minions in a final battle. – Choosing whether to lose your virginity to Lancelot or keep it for yourself. ## Secrets and Easter Eggs The game also has some secrets and easter eggs that you can discover by exploring the world and interacting with different characters and objects. Some of them are: – Finding a hidden dungeon in the Forest of Illusions where you can fight against a powerful boss and get a rare item. – Finding a hidden room in the Academy of Magic where you can see some naughty scenes involving Esmeralda and other students. – Finding a hidden shop in Geo City where you can buy some special items and costumes that change your appearance and stats. – Finding a hidden book in the Wisdom Society building that teaches you a secret spell that can summon a dragon. – Finding a hidden NPC in the Castle of Darkness who can give you some hints and tips about the game. We hope this walkthrough has been helpful for you and that you have fun playing Virgin’s Protection Magic. If you have any questions or feedback about this article or the game itself, please let us know in the comments below. ## Conclusion Virgin’s Protection Magic is a fun and challenging RPG game that combines fantasy, magic, and eroticism. You will play as Virgin, a young witch who has to use her virginity as a source of power to fight against the evil Witch Queen and her minions. You will also meet various characters who will help you or hinder you in your quest, such as Lancelot, a handsome knight who becomes your love interest. The game has a lot of features and content that will keep you entertained and engaged for hours. You will explore different locations, learn new spells and recipes, use items and ointments to enhance your abilities, and discover secrets and easter eggs. You will also face different enemies and bosses that will test your skills and strategy. You will also have to make some important choices that will affect the outcome of the game and your relationship with Lancelot. We hope this walkthrough has been helpful for you and that you have fun playing Virgin’s Protection Magic. If you have any questions or feedback about this article or the game itself, please let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading and happy gaming!


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